Posts in dark goddess
You are Loved, You are not alone. You are Beautiful. Gifts and inspiration for you on this day of Love.

What does your body need?

What does your Heart want to express right now?

What IS the truth of your Heart right now?


Answering and responding to those questions is Self-Love in practice.

You are healing for the one who feels your loving heart.

See what comes up.


Reclaim this day of Outrageous Self-Full Love.

Say yes to Love.

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What does Your Sacred Desire Hide?

This is Her.
This is sacred feminism, as my beloved teacher Sally Kempton shares.

She is a wild, erotic, playful, fiercely loving Guide - and She belongs to the one who honors and chooses to serve her.
She is Mary Magdalene. She is Kali. She is Durga. She is Isis. She is Venus. She is Lilith.

She is the Goddess of Love in service to Him: the Sacred Masculine: Our Higher Consciousness, Truth, Integrity, and Peace.

I yearn to create. I yearn to come. I desire to feel my body receive, trust, and give Love.
I yearn to laugh, cry, and yell and let her show me the way back to my heart and Yours.
Let's love her.
Let's welcome her.

Let's learn what she needs and what she desires Within You.
The Sacred Desire in your Heart guides You to manifest what your whole being yearns for.

Will you step into the Love Warrior you are?

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Your invitation to Self-Love and Surrender on this Solstice night.

I cannot ignore or bypass the fear, rage, and grief in the world while also feeling my gratitude and reverence for my life.
What a blessing.
This body. This sacred body is here for Love.
And so I ask for Grace.
For forgiveness.
For peace.
For the Power Of Love.

For your trust that Your power is Your Capacity to Love.

I ask that you and I use our power wisely and fully.

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Calling on the Sacred Masculine and Feminine to awaken and heal with Love.

I knew this was it.

There was something there that I was going to be initiated into as a student and as a practitioner of womb awakening, spiritual embodiment and sacred union.

There was My own healing I was finally ready to submit to, and receive.

I knew it was about Me being held is a sacred space.

And the IS what this work is about. I needed to be humbled about my own role to play. A student first.

Always in reverence that I ge to be a guide, and that I am guiding myself first.

Which means that the work I do depends on how much I, myself DO THE WORK.

Easy? No.



You can. You know if You have been called.

What will be your answer?

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Trust yourself to Burn down what does not serve.

What is on your heart right now?

Mine feels peace, trust, longing, and...sadness.
It is all sacred. I am with it all.

And such deep reverence for her sacred Feminine power that jolted me to trust my heart and take the steps to come here. 

To be present with Her.

The energy of the Fierce Feminine.

She took away everything from me. 

And then, she gave me everything I needed to get what I wanted.

I got Myself back.

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Your desire to feel whole has to be stronger than your attachment to your fear.

The essence of you is Whole.

She lives in your heart. And in every cell of your body.

Nothing can change that.

Everything is born from your wholeness.

I speak from your wholeness.

From our wholeness- where you can see me fully.

Where I am not hiding.

Where you let me see your heart’s truth.

Where I call you out to speak it.

I speak to you AS wholeness.

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New moon in Leo: Why the Dark Goddess is calling.

Write down your intention.
What is blocking you from TRUSTING it?
What part of you is resisting getting what you want?

This means looking at the shadow.
This come up so much with my clients.
The fear of being free, to be yourself.
The fear of expressing your truth.
The fear of being SEEN.

The fear of letting go of the "burden" you have been carrying because who will you be without it?
This is why we must go to the parts you might not want to see.
The parts that never had a voice.

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