New moon in Leo: Why the Dark Goddess is calling.

Hello, soul friend.

Today is the new moon in Leo.
Let your fire come through.
What are you passionate about manifesting?

What does this mean for your life, relationship, or business?

My beautiful friend, and advisor, Danielle Laura, recently shared what you can do with this energy if you feel called to use the moon cycle to manifest what you want.

Read Danielle's full post on Instagram here (and if you are looking for a fantastic Human Design analyst and spiritual advisor, she is amazing!) 

What seed are you planting?

Today (and my Sun is in Leo, so I am feeling the flames under my bum,) I intend to own more of my calling and my weird, sexy, genuine, and outrageous desire to speak my truth as a leader, friend, guide, and embodied woman.

Write down your intention.
What is blocking you from TRUSTING it?
What part of you is resisting getting what you want?

This means looking at the shadow.
This come up so much with my clients.
The fear of being free, to be yourself.
The fear of expressing your truth.
The fear of being SEEN.

The fear of letting go of the "burden" you have been carrying because who will you be without it?
This is why we must go to the parts you might not want to see.
The parts that never had a voice.

It is the part of me still living in the stories that are not mine anymore.
She is afraid of responsibility and abandonment if she reveals herself.
I see her in my clients.
I see her in my mother.
I see her.
Scared, she can't handle the abundance and freedom she wants.
Afraid she is not worthy to own and use her power.

She is hiding in the shadows—one of my inner children.

Does that resonate with you?

And part of healing her, for me, is doing the inner work I know to do, honoring my inner scared child, and also- DOING it anyway.
I am calling in the powerful "parts" of me forward.

And what does that offer me?
It is being Free to Feel fully expressed in every part of my life. To ask for and be open to receiving what I want.
Dare I?
I am daring. Join me, and let's do this.

Every day this month, I will be offering a Dark Goddess message,
 so follow me here if you are curious to receive what comes.

A woman that follows me was appalled and called it "Spiritual Porn" yesterday- so that means I made it! I say: You are welcome. 

On a more serious note, I am being called very strongly to start doing more work with Tantrik practices and the Sacred Shadow, going deeper into the Dark Goddess archetype and embodied sacred sexuality work. (I am getting trained as a Tantric Embodiemtn Facilitator, which is the fruit of the last three years of my work.)

Why is this "Dark Goddess work" so powerful (for men and women)?
It is not about witchcraft or worshipping deities, but in fact, working with the Archetype of the Dark Feminine (and the many goddesses that come with it) is about owning your many "parts" and guiding you to go into your subconscious to support your healing and transformation journey.

You can watch more in my video above or 

I love you,

Your Sasha