Calling on the Sacred Masculine and Feminine to awaken and heal with Love.

Hello, my friend.

My initiation into my Womb Shaman work in the desert was different from what I planned to do when I said yes to visiting my client in L.A. a few weeks ago.

More will be shared in due time, but for now, I know I finally saw All of Me.

In a photo, a friend took the day after a sleepless night where I cried and held space for 9 hours.
I saw the picture and thought:

"Oh my God, I look so ugly. Ha! I look so gorgeous. So true."

I saw Her.

A face that knows death, birth, sex, purity, play, devotion, and Deep Suffering. Deep compassion, Deep wisdom.

Mother. Lover. Teacher. Daughter. Wife. Medicine Woman.

I saw Her—the Feminine. And I saw Him—the Masculine, Loving HER.
Loving me.

Would you like to see the photo?
It's below:)

No IG filters or Photoshop will be needed. She is real. She is so real no AI tool will stand a chance.
True Love. 

And that was it. She has awoken me to the truth. And She has always been here. And I am no longer willing to hide from and withhold her gifts.

Here is her gift to you, today: An Intuitive Heart-Womb awakeinign tanrtik journey and masterclass with the Sacred Feminine & Masculine on the upcoming Full Moon.
Claim your free ticket with me here.

I found the part of my heart I needed to retrieve by releasing more of my ego-ideas about who I am supposed to be in this world.
Surrendering to what is true.
As a coach, as a leader, as an entrepreneur, as a woman...
This journey never ends.
That's why we are on it for the infinite game.
A game where You and I have already won, by choosing our Freedom.

I am finally here. 
I am home in myself.

And yet, I expected it.

I have been asking for the next chapter and pull to go deeper, wilder, weirder, and more True in my work.

To burn down more handcuffs (golden and all,( more fears, and more of my resistance to using my gifts.

Yes, I am here to teach what I need to Re-Member and Learn.

And so much needs to be unlearned.

I am at a loss for words. I know they will come. Right now, I can share that this last month, I went all into my own descent into my darkness.

Last month I went on a tour. I got to visit California and Texas and share my work in teaching and holding spaces for awakening the womb/heart space in people called to be leaders.

It was a gift. And the most incredible gift was not what I thought.

A week before I went to California (initially to attend a mastermind and share my work as an intuitive leadership coach,) I saw a vision in one of my breath work journeys with my own coaches. I saw myself holding sacred space in the desert.

I saw myself in a circle of women and men as the guide and a student.

We were journeying deep into our hearts.
Into our wombs.
Healing into the Freedom of Gnosis - Remembering who we are. Together.

And as I sat in the desert at a sacred plant Peyote ceremony a couple of weeks ago, I saw it again.

So I did.
In actual, 3D reality.
It came true the day after.

I was invited and offered to hold a sacred space for womb-hara healing.

And I am in your inbox today to offer you some of that Medicine.

So that you can feel that kind of freedom and love as well.
For yourself.

I do not have a title anymore.

I have a knowing.

And that knowing is that you must surrender to the womb-awakening, shamanic, and tantric work you have been doing your whole life.

So here I am.

Naked. Exposed.
Ugly and Beautiful. All of me. All of Her.

A student of our heart and womb medicine.
That is the ultimate plant medicine.

Our Blood Mysteries.

A woman in reverence to Your human Heart. And through it to Your Divinity.

My own Medicine is the only tool I offer you.

Call it healing, awakening, initiation, guidance, teaching, does not matter.

And it will do what it needs to create through me when my ego gets the hell out of the way.

I trust it and surrender any control or plan our ideas of what needs to happen.

It knows. This is Freedom. Let's do this.

I know I need it to all go. I need to let it all go. All of it. I love this freedom, and I am scared of it. I am so scared of it. KNOW THIS IS TRUE, AND NOW IS THE TIME.

And that is what I experienced in the desert and beyond.

I, for the first time in 12 years, felt a part of my womb wake up and SPEAK.

This was the result of the past four years of my work in this realm.

I saw my wholeness.

My womb consciousness showed me what needed to be seen and recognized.

What needed to be released with consciousness and love, and forgiveness, and radical compassion and integrity.

I got to take ownership of my journey on this planet as an embodied woman. As a mother, as a lover, as a daughter, and as the leader I am.

The reason it happened wasn’t just because I went to a retreat, and it was awesome.

Yes, AND.

It was because I was ready by having gone through the work and preparation for it.

I have completed my own initiation into this work as a shamanic practitioner, as a human, nit as a guru, who is not here to become more spiritual.

But as a woman who is here to BE more human.

This was the teaching.

You do not need to be more spiritual. You're not here to heal and reveal your wholeness, your divinity, and your purpose by “becoming” more spiritual. You fucking ARE spiritual. As spiritual as you can be.

You are here to heal and wake up by learning to be More Human.

That is our work. To learn to Love each other by loving OURSELVES through our humanity.

Our broken and bleeding, open hearts.
There is no Other that has a part of your heart that went missing.

There is the One whole heart- which is You.

With courage and with integrity.

With radical compassion, understanding, and responsibility for OUR own bodies, our sovereignty, and our LOVE, our Lives here as the one chance to make this world a better place, as we chose to experience it here.

This is my truth.

Not my ego truth, but my heart-womb truth.

My responsibility. Read: Response-Ability.

And that is the Feminine. That is HER. That is Shakti. Yin. Goddess.

Your capacity to respond to the truth with Love.

This is why we do the work, and this is why there is so much focus on the Feminine. So that we can heal and wake up the Masculine to hold, lead protect, and LOVE her within ourselves and in this world.

I saw how much HE needs us.

In men and in women.

For now, that’s it. I know I met Him, and I met Her in myself. I saw the work I needed to do in myself.

And Hot damn, am I on fire to hold space for this work IN you.

Let’s do this.

More on my journey to come.

I will offer you this:

Sacred Rage is part of your healing and transfiguration experience as you allow yourself to step into your sovereignty with Deep Compassion and Understanding on a Heart Level and power and call yourself out from hiding your gifts.

Watch my invitation to work with Kali and her Dark Feminine gifts above.

P.S.  Are you called to face your deepest resistance to being Free and Feeling Whole, and surrender to your destiny?

I am hosting a masterclass nd Tantric- Shamanic Journey this month to offer you a taste of Your own womb medicine.
Register for my womb awakening and healing with the Sacred Feminine and Masculine experience here.