Your desire to feel whole has to be stronger than your attachment to your fear.

Remember, you are whole now.

The essence of you is Whole.

That wholeness lives in your heart. And in every cell of your body.

Nothing can ever hurt, damage, or change that.

So, if you fear anxiety, doubt, resistance, and fear, which part of you is Talking in your head?

Everything is born from your wholeness.

I speak from your wholeness.

From our wholeness- where you can see me fully.

Where I am not hiding.

Where you let me see your heart’s truth.

Where I call you out to speak it.

You are not your story.

And also:

As you see how hard you are trying, everything you are doing, look at the part of you that is scared and reciting with Radical Self-Compassion.

You can watch more in my video above or

You are human for a reason.

That is where your transformation begins.

I speak to you AS wholeness. Your essence is Love.

Your language is Compassion.

That’s why it feels like a deep breath of freedom to even THINK of compassion.

Watch my video above to go deeper into how you an offer yourself even more intentional compassion.

Open yourself to recognize the truth.

It is the one thing that always is.

I know because it is mine.

I see it.

I love you un our wholeness.

Nothing can change that.

Yes, your history, attachments, ideas, karma (whatever you believe it to mean to you,) ancestral trauma, socio-cultural conditioning, genetics, programming and the many uncosniosu identities you’ve created to survive your life story are all there.

And also, they are NOT You.

They came with you, so that you an do something about all of the things that are making you feel unhwhole, unworthy, lacking, ashamed to be you, and broken.

And yes, you need to work with all of these factors.

So that you can release the charge they carry inside your body.

So that you an liberate more of YOUR fire.

More of your capacity to love.

No matter how many life items and karma and ancestral or generations of pain and suffering you carry.

I believe that your wounds and your shadows are in you for you to heal through.

You are whole now.

You are perfect.

Your essence is Love, and Consciousness.

Not to sink under.

You choose.

To challenge  your own ego, and its stories to reclaim embody your own wholeness.

To choose the to see the truth despite and because of the lies you’ve given so

Much of your life force to holding on to and believing.

You can transcend snd and transmute the heavy burden you feel is yours.

But only From knowing you are Not them.

You can choose to attach to their ideology.

Choose to see the truth.

Your experience can feel true but is the story of what it means to your Mind  true?

You know.

Release. Are you attached to feeling unwhole?

Healing is recognition of your wholeness now.

It can only be now.

That’s the only practice to know it’s the truth of you.

Your wholeness Now.

The work is to be done daily.

Many ways to do it and all of them are useful.

Many roads to come back to the one place you seek: the home is die your own self. Your heart. Your safe heaven in your body.

Your gut and your womb.

Your voice.

Your strong spine.

Your life force, as it is pulsating through your blood.

Your Fire.

No amount of “unhealthy” cells or ideas you carry can change your wholeness.

You know this.

See “the person,” who is attached to the story that you are unwhole, and debilitated by your pain, broken and afraid of your power.

See the story you are telling about your wounds.

What if you could choose to release it, while ALSO healing the open wounds, that are very much alive inside your DNA?

You can.

You are the medicine.

Release the one who loves the story of her own limitations.

You are ready.

If you want to be.

So what do you want?

Your desire to feel whole has to be stronger than your attachment to your fear.

Release the one who enjoys judging and shaming yourself.

None of these identities are bad.

They are simply not what you really are.

And they are not true.

That’s it.

You are the truth of how deeply you yearn for freedom and trust that you are pure love in action. And the conscious awareness that holds it all as it expands through your choice to reveal the truth of What You Are and transmit it into the world.

That’s our healing.

Now and always.

I see you.

I will not let you forget who you are.

What is coming up in your heart?

What are you afraid to say?

Share with me below, dm me on IG, or email me.


Check out my podcast interview on Confidence Daily, where I share why feeling safe in your body is the foundation of embodying your wholeness, and feeling your worth and power, regardless of your stories.