Trust yourself to Burn down what does not serve.

Hello, my love.

Happy New Moon in Virgo.

May this cycle of creation, with the powerful, organized, and grounded energy of Virgo, guide you toward your North Star right now.

What is on your heart right now?

Mine feels peace, trust, longing, and...sadness.
It is all sacred. I am with it all.

And such deep reverence for her sacred Feminine power that jolted me to trust my heart and take the steps to come here. 

To be present with Her.

The energy of the Fierce Feminine.

She took away everything from me. 

And then, she gave me everything I needed to get what I wanted.

I got Myself back.
And we keep on playing together.

And so I am here to serve Her.

To surrender to Her power- inside of me.
So that I can feel Her dancing with Him- the tremendous main union inside my body.

That is what I am here to guide you to, as well.

I have to get even more focused while flowing with the voice of my soul.

I must get even more structure to build what I am called to.

I write this from a mastermind space I have been incubating in, San Diego, where I got to coach and be coached by my amazing peers and see where I am holding myself back and resisting taking my work and life to a deeper and more expansive level. 

I am so grateful to be here.

And this is precisely where the deepest shadows and resistance come.
That's why I have to keep going deeper.

What about you?
Where are you limiting what is possible for you on a soul level?

Who could you ask to reflect on the truth that what you cannot fully recognize is blocking your freedom and joy?

Tomorrow, I start a month-long tour of talks and events in California and Texas.

Sacred sexuality, intuitive leadership, womb healing, shadow work. 

All of it. 

Awakening to the truth of myself and YOU.

There is joy. There is freedom.

There is bliss. There is truth. There is trust.
It is in the muck.

There is life in the compost of your dead skin.
In your history and the karma.

So much shame and resistance to love.
I see it in me. I see it in my loved ones.
This is the work.

And I stand here, in the kitchen, writing this letter, in awe of the people I get to walk and hold space for.

My clients and students are dealing with some real-life stuff.

Their inner work is not about escaping real life.
It's about making their real sacred experience.

They are moving through death, divorce, new relationships, and reclaiming their sexuality and sovereignty.

They are building and re-building their businesses.

They are healing their family.

The subtle transformations they experience every day.
The joy of finally remembering the truth.

I watch in awe.
Human beings are incredible.

We can do anything.
You can do anything.

What can you liberate in yourself today?
What can Kali help you burn and release?
What seed are you planting with your dream on this new moon?

My love, wherever you are, you are not alone.

We are all in this descent into the underworld together.

We need a new way to lead, love, and gift our truth to the world.
We need safety in our bodies.

We need to know and trust to feel our healthy sexual power awake and moving through our bodies.

Alignment in our hearts with our desires and our needs.

We need to Know and Trust our truth.

We need to feel and embody our worth.

So, are you ready?

Let's keep doing the work.

Watch the video above or here.
We are doing this together.

I love you,


Your Sasha


P.S. Check out my deep dive into how to open and reveal your heart to lead with your sacred purpose and heal in this interview with Tiffani Patlan.