Being whole: Surrender, submit to, and honour the masculine, to experience true Love.

How do you feel today?

I am here with all my weird, raw, human parts.

The work of awakening to your most profound truth is reclaiming all of yourself.
Being present with life- not just around you, but Life As You.

What if today was the day you felt utterly whole as you are?

The part that has rejected love for years.
The part that has judged herself for doing so.
The part that felt victimized by others.
Especially men.
The masculine.

Wether you are in a male or female body- this is about reclaiming the Healthy Masculine energy that is present in ALL of us.

I am learning to honor and release my wounded feminine at a different level.

Last month, as I was training with one of my teachers, David Deida, I realized there is a deeper level of surrender into Love.

I need to allow more Love into my womb, my genitals, my heart, my voice…I feel that shift now.

I know that my gifts are born out of my biggest fears. To give My fullness to Him.

To submit to God fully.
To love more.
To receive more.

To give more of myself.
To Birth my offerings to this world with integrity and authenticity.
That is terrifying.
I am still doing this work because I see more wounds that are ready for healing, open to show me more of the Truth.

Where am I resisting love and healing?
Where are you?

Love IS healing.

Are you yearning to allow more love, abundance, and trust into your body?

Where do you block it?

Have you been judging, ashamed of, or afraid to trust the Masculine?
Men. Your father. Your ex.

Your partner. Your boss. Your teacher.
Your abuser. Your grandfather. Are you judging and blaming someone out "there" that represents everything you feel about the "toxic" masculine?

If so, the above video is for you.

What if your awareness of this fear and mistrust of the Masculine signals that you are healing and are ready to reclaim a healthy relationship with Him?

Trauma work, energy work, and/or coaching might be needed.

The work of sacred sexuality implies that you do not bypass any of your wounding, shadows, or trauma but USE it as a catalyst to reclaim your power and the love you so deeply yearn for.

We see a lot of wounded/distorted masculine.
Not much of the Healthy, let alone Sacred Masculine.
It is up to US to awaken the Healthy masculine in the world. Call Him into our bodies and choose to SEE Him in others.
That's what I am here for.
That is the work.

I KNOW he is HERE.
In You, and in Me.
Let's call Him in.

The part that yearns for it even more now is that I am willing to live with my heart breaking every day- as I know that is the path of Healing and Leadership.

May you feel your heart open to Him more today.

May you feel more of your sensitive, feeling, vulnerable self, reveal yourself to Him, and trust Him.

First, you (and I) must CHOOSE to.

I choose to submit to Him.
I choose to come into union with him
I choose to let him see all of me.

I choose to become my own healer and ask for help in doing this work by asking Him to show me the structure and boundaries my feminine essence needs.

You must Want to.
You must want to heal and come into union with him.
Let's do this.

Where are you sitting, your own healing and rejecting Love?

My prayer for you and I is that we recognize and use our power in bringing our hearts to wholeness.

Here is to the part that needs to be safe inside of you- The part that wants to lead and hold you.

The Masculine.


He will lead you to Your safety, purpose, and Integrity.

As we enter the Full moon in Taurus, ask your inner Sacred Masculine:
Where do you need me to surrender to your guidance?

Where am I rejecting you?
Where do I not trust you?
Where am I betraying my desire for Love and Union?

As you sit with these, let the answers come from the depths of YOUR true Heart, not your ego.
I love you, Bless you,
Know that You are Whole Now.

Your Sasha

P.S. As you commit to healing the Masculine, witness where a Witch wound could be a reason for your resistance to trusting Him.

He might represent the Spanish Inquisition, The Witch Hunts, the Crusades, etc...the Priest, the "elder," the toxic cult leader who burnt and raped and forced the feminine in our collective to hide and go underground for centuries. 

Tune into my interview with "Witchy Wellness Radio," here, about healing the Witch Wound (so many of my clients are experiencing its presence in their psyche/mind/soul story now, and I feel you might find this relevant too.) 

Now is your time to transcend your wounds, despite and even BECAUSE of the many lifetimes you have suffered.
Let's reclaim our power here and now.
We are the healing this world needs.