Lion's Gate: Trust your soul-desire.

Hello beautiful soul.

Today is a potent day.

Read more about why here.

Is there something you have been wanting to do for a while?

What part of your fear is holding you back?

Your reality does not depend on your stories.
It depends on what you choose to believe and trust right now.
So, what if?
Watch my video above or 
here for more inspiration to trust that you are whole and ready now.

Your shadows are part of your wholeness.

They are part of your awakening to your power.
And, they are not true.
So, what is the truth about what you want?

What if you could get it?

Are you settling for "wanting and waiting" for permission to have what you yearn for?

In the words of my coach, don't choose to want it.

Choose to Have It. Big difference.

What if you can?

So, what do you want?

What can you CHOOSE to have today?
This is the day.
What if?

Use the Lion's Gate energy to activate your soul desire, and trust that it is IN you because it is yours to manifest.

I invite you to use this energy to trust that any shadow is meant to show you more of your power.

I am no exception. 

I recently realized I had been living in a "they don't get me!" story which held me back from sharing more of my raw voice, the insights I am having, and my story, as well as having more faith in my community and YOU.
I am done with this shadow:)

It comes from an 8-year-old part of me that was bullied and rejected.
That's valid.

But the truth of my heart is not my history. 
The truth is that I feel and know that my clients and the right people and audience get me:)
That's why I get to do what I do every day. I am blessed and grateful.

And I needed to become more aware of that to trust and be more courageous in my work and my path forward.

However, my shadow needs to be held in check so that I do not sabotage the opportunities and gifts coming into my life every day.
What about you?

Here is a fun and quick Lion's Gate portal manifesting activity:

1. Turn off your phone.
Get comfy.

2. Spend 5 minutes breathing into your heart.

3. Sit with these 3 questions:

1. "What desire am I hiding from myself?"
2. "What is the fear around it?"
3. "What is the truth?"

What comes up?

4. Then get up, put a song you love on, and dance with the vision of your desire.
How does your body want to transmit your desire?

Let the energy move through you and into the universe- and feel how you are magnetizing the resources and people you need to make your desire REAL.

Trust. Be. Create.

You are the sign you are looking for.

Here is to you, following your soul's guidance.

With Love and Devotion,

Your Sasha

P.S. Ready to receive more of what you want?
Book a soul-clarity call with me here.