Trusting the Sacred Masculine to safely and courageously open your Heart to Love.

 Hello dear friend, how are you?

Welcome to the first week of 2024.

What's on your Heart?  


I have been sitting with a feeling of "aloneness" and wholeness.

I feel a burning desire to create and birth something new.

Something outrageous.


What is your deepest desire right now? Comment below, and let me know. I will answer you personally with any direct, intuitive, and loving guidance I have.


From the comments I am getting from my clients and community, there is a yearning to Trust and Follow your Heart to create something original and purposeful for yourself to offer the world.

Are you dreaming of:

A new/ refreshed way to do your soul's work?

A meaningful purpose-driven project?

An intimate partnership?

A deeper and more nurturing and loving relationship with your body and your sexuality?

A new way of creating and receiving wealth from your gifts?

Full Body Yes to all of that.

I feel you. Your desires are sacred.

To go into HOW you can reclaim more of your power, self-worth, and intuitive magic,

I am hosting a free Masterclass next Saturday, January 13th, at 9 AM PST/ 12 PM EST to guide you deeper into your truth.

Specifically, we will go deeper into your relationship with The Masculine in yourself and others.

This masterclass is about helping you develop Trust, Safety, and Self-Worth in who you are from the inside out.


The Healthy and Sacred Masculine is about aligned structure, boundaries, depth, and integrity.


This is about your intimate partnership with Yourself.


Register for it here: "Inviting the Healthy Masculine into Your Heart"

A replay will be available if you cannot attend live.


The class will help you create more embodied structure and safety in yourself to let your Heart lead and express your vision.


This is for you if you want to:

  • Call and Trust in your Sacred Beloved (in your current partner or a future lover.)

  • Build something sacred from a place of Feminine Devotion and Masculine Purpose.

  • Lead with your intuition and hold yourself in a supportive structure to your Flow.

  • Become magnetic to what you want and honour your boundaries to what does not serve.

  • Embody your radiance and sexual power.


Why am I offering this tantric workshop?


Last year was pivotal for me. 


The work that took me to a place of complete devotion to myself and my work and new levels of healing through my heart's truth was Tantra. 

Tantra is about activating and using your embodied alchemy.
It is about a Full F&^%CK YES to Life.
And it works.

In this space I am inviting you into is healing through wholeness as you experience your divinity AND your humanity.


And I am right in the trenches with you, my friend. 


I just ended a vital partnership and stepped out of another lucrative space I knew was no longer true.


I have surrendered my idea of who I am supposed to be and stand here naked, yet full of blissful infatuation with my vision.


My fears are real, too.


The fear of having it all.

The fear of love.

The fear of being exposed.

The fear of being seen for who I am.

The fear of Submission to the Will of my Heart.


The fear of sharing my darkness.

Do you relate to any of these?

If so, join me.


Answer the call to Loving The One You Are.



This is the work of Rebirthing, Reparenting, and Re-partnering with Yourself.


This is the work of living in True Sacred Union with your Heart.


And I am so excited to share more of it with you.


We are shifting the energy together. 


From Fear to Love.


Here is to your Rebirth.

I will take courage and devotion.

And this rebirth is worth everything.


It is You, expressed in the Truth of your Heart.


The truth of who you are meant to be, burning down every structure that holds you back.


I am here for it all. Let's go.


The work of reclaiming your Divine masculine, WORKS.


The work of awakening the Sacred Feminine and healing her fear and pain while unleashing her power and potential to embody and express Love WORKS.



If this calls you, Register for the masterclass here and invite your friends, sisters, daughters, and mothers.



I am here to get humble and go deeper with you.

Let's Dance.

I love you.


Your Sasha

P.S. If you want to taste the practices and Sacred Union work, I invite you to watch my latest video here or below.