Finding Self-Worth with the Dark Feminine: What are you hiding from the world?

Hello, my dear friend.

How are you?
What feels true right now?

I am feeling incredibly grateful over here.

Thank you for being on the other end of this conversation about Love, Sex, Joy, Purpose, and our Divinity.

Thank you for trusting me.

I see you.

Every time I receive an email from Youtube sharing with me that yet another person has commented on a video I created almost two years ago about Lilith, (Adam's first wife, also known as the Queen of the Demons and the Dark Feminine embodiment of desire, pleasure, sovereignty, and the sacred expression of a woman's sexual power,)- I am inspired by how deeply the subject of finding your worth through your darkness resonates with people of all genders and ages from all over the world.

Watch my original "Lilith: How to accept and embrace ALL of you?'" video here.

What you see in the video above is my response to that original transmission.

This is Lilith 2.0.

I call it: Own your power, step out of your wound, and USE IT to heal and embody more of who you are.

That's the path of embodying the healthy feminine.

Wounded-Healthy-Divine.This work feels really critical to the world we live in.
How is your relationship with your feminine?

Mine has been treacherous. And there is a reason.
She is exhausted, grieving, numb, sometimes superficial, and quietly raging.

Who is the Feminine?

It is:
SHE: your feminine, my feminine, THE feminine has been violated and repressed for centuries.

She still is in many parts of the world and in many bodies around you.

She is asking for freedom, healing, and permission to Step into her Queen, Warrior, Priestess, and Lover energy.

But t is our responsibility to heal her if WE happen to be free to speak and live our truth.
Not everyone is. I am, and I believe you are too.

She is done.
And She is rising.
In women and in men.
She wants HIM to Step up, see, hold, love, and Serve her.

As I go deeper into my work and personal practice in sacred intimacy and sexuality, I know it is time I return to Lilith.

There is deeper work to be done around our yearning for love, our connection to our bodies, our ancestral and personal karma around intimacy, relationships, wealth, and our purpose on this planet.

It is time to go deeper into our desires and needs to actualize our potential.

So there will be more to come.
There will be Dark God/Goddess offerings I will be sharing in the future.

Would this serve and be of interest to you?

Lilith in Her Next Stage:

The stage beyond trauma, grief, and rage of being rejected, neglected, shamed, and shut down feminine.

THIS Lilith is about radical Self-Love through wholeness and working with the sacred Masculine that is WORTHY of her.

Lilith and working with the dark/light feminine (and masculine) archetypes has transformed my life, and I am starting to use this work more with my clients when they are ready for it.

How can working with your dark feminine/masculine support your healing and awakening path to becoming free and embodied in your truth?

It will if you trust the work.
This is a path of devotion to yourself as the One you seek.
This is a path to liberation.
This is a path to feeling whole.

To know yourself means trusting the path into the darkness.

It blows my mind how much fear and worry I have sat in and how many shadows came to play as I attempted to claim and reveal more of myself.

It meant ugly crying, raging, yelling, asking for help, and feeling like I needed to let go of EVEN more of who I thought I was. More of my ego. More of my superficial desires and attachments and expectations, More of my goals, were not aligned with my heart's truth.

Not pretty, But fucking beautiful. Because this is the work that brought up more of my gifts. More of my genius, More of my power.

None of which are actually mine.
The power that I received and get to use on behalf of what I consider to be the Divine. My experience of God. 

I have failed A LOT over the last year.
It has also been my most powerful, loving, and successful year yet.

My hips and my heart are showing me that I love myself more.

My mind is more humble.
My eyes get to see more of the people I love.
My bank account (both in my investments and its growth) reflects my devotion to my work and my growth and being in service.

Going deeper into my own shadows, and trusting the work of revealing and integrating the deepest parts of me, has led me into complete surrender to my own path.
Facing the shame, the fear, the grief, and the sadness.

I feel my body tingle as I think how much darkness I am sitting in.
I love all of it.
It is all sacred.

Come with me.
Let's do the work.
Let's go into the darkness and bring out the eternal light that is only yours to shine.

What will you find down there?
More of yourself. Nore of your gifts. More of your purpose. More of your divinity. More of your humanity.
More of your capacity to Love.

I want to know more about me.
I want to know more about you.
Let's go.

Share with me what comes up for you when you watch the video.

Where are you ready to become FREE?



Sasha LipskaiaComment