How to own your worth and bring it to the world.

"May you realize that the shape of your soul is unique,
that you have a special destiny here,
that behind the facade of your life there is something beautiful, good, and eternal happening.
May you learn to see yourself with the same delight, pride, and expectation with which God sees you in every moment."

-John O'Donohue

Hello, my Love.

How are you?
What do you need right now?
This question matters.
In the past, I would have bypassed it to go right to "what I need to DO."

Does that sound familiar?
You are not alone in this.
I walk the tightrope of bypassing my truth and honouring my heart daily.
And this work never ends:)

I was in a yoga class last week, and as I lay down for a posture, my teacher walked over, held my head, and cradled its weight in her hands.

I surrendered more to her power.
I felt her love for what she was doing, for me, for her craft as a teacher and healer moving through her to serve me.
I needed to be held.

My feminine energy needed support in being witnessed in all of my vulnerability.
My masculine energy needed a place of no demand as I replenished my energy for the week.

Suddenly she said: "I love how much you trust me."

And at that moment, I felt so LOVED.
And I deeply Loved IT- the experience of being held in my heart.

That is it.
That is what this work is about.

To trust Yourself so thoroughly that you can feel safe to Receive Love.
And the only way to feel safe about receiving it is to learn to experience and GIFT within yourself first.

Moving in the energy of trust, surrender, and the truth of your body expressing its needs, honouring them, and letting the world meet You fully in your experience.

As I lay there, I could feel the other side of the Prostitute shadow, which would have tried to perform, please, (like trying to hold and stiffen my body to control my body's weight and make my head less heavy :) to become something I thought I needed to be to receive what I wanted, to feel like I was enough.

Since deepening into sacred sexuality, archetypal shadow healing, and embodiment work, I can see my habitual reaction of mitigating feeling tired (the wounded masculine way of pushing through my feelings) by "trying to numb my needs by doing something to prove myself." 

I am so happy to feel how much this inner work has transformed how I show up FOR MYSELF.
My relationship with my soul, mind, heart, spirit, and BODY is the expression and container for all of me.

Formerly, before I started really deepening, teaching, and practising this sacred shadow work, I would have been looking for my power elsewhere. This has left me feeling inadequate, wounded, lonely, misunderstood, scared, in survival mode, and burnt out so many times. 

Trying to "meditate/train/soldier my way out of it."
Bypassing my needs.
Jumping over my fears and my pain.
Not anymore. 
I know this now.

The deepest healing and most powerful light lie beneath and on the path through the shadows.

Today I believe that Your Power Lies INSIDE your body. Always.

Your sexual energy, Your intuitive channel. Your nervous system. Your physiology and your subconscious mind/ conscious mindset are wired into your flesh.

Always here.
Abundantly available. 
Healing. Expansive, Radiant, and Empowering to everyone else.

The question is: Are you available to master these tools?

They are unleashed through embodied Self-Love, sexual transmutation, and intuitive development.

It is about meeting your inner Sacred Lover.

The part of you that LOVES ALL of YOU.

ALL of your darkness, weakness,s fears, and shame. ALL of your light and your gifts. ALL of YOU.
Because Every Part of you, when seen clearly, becomes Sacred.

So, how can you learn to honour more of your "parts (archetypes?)

How can you heal that shadow of fear that you are never good enough? 

How do you learn to meet your truth and heart's needs?

I have got you.
For one, you can use embodied shadow work to reveal and cultivate that inner archetype of the Sacred Lover/Beloved (also referred to in my work as the archetype of the Magdalene) to HEAR their guidance. (Watch the video above or 

And, to add to this, here are some journaling questions to anchor and integrate your self-discovery.

Take 10 minutes and sit with the following questions:

(Do this whenever you feel disconnected from yourself and like you are stifling, resisting, or sabotaging what you want.)

How does trust feel in my body?

What does my heart need?

How do I know I am loved?

What does my inner Beloved need me to know right now?

What do I need to do about it?

How does Love want to express itself through me?

Journal. Meditate. Pray.

Please share with me what comes up for you.

It is a process.

And it is a daily practice.
You are not alone.

I am walking this path with you.

One way to tap into the abundance of Love inside yourself and forgive yourself for pushing it away is through archetypal work.

This is why I am committing to offer you more guidance on how to do it so you can start embodying your power more profoundly and effectively.

You can watch more in the video above or by clicking here.

You have got this.
You are exactly where you need to be.
Trust your soul.

Let me know what comes up.
With Love and devotion,
Your Sasha

P.S. I have a waitlist for my 1:1 Mystery school until the second quarter of 2024. However, I have a special "light" intuitive guidance /sacred sexuality mentorship offer for you if you are ready to reclaim your power, intimacy, faith, and destiny and do the damn thing. Book a clarity call with me here to learn more.