What’s the next step into a more authentic version of success for You?I want you to know Anything you want is possible. (Copy)


What’s the next step into a more authentic version of success for You?

mindset, life coaching, abundance, life purpose, self-love

(What’s the next step into a more authentic version of success for You?

Last week at a mastermind in Miami, I was reminded again and again of the one thing that is key to my freedom and joy.

People are awesome. People are everything.

So go out there and join forces with awesome people!

I’m celebrating these amazing humans:

I discovered and witnessed the magnetic Selena Soo channel her magic and wisdom.

And, of course, I was grateful to learn from the incredible business coach and my longtime friend and collaborator, Ron Reich, in a room full of badass creators and leaders.

I got to hug and have deep conversations with my clients in person!

And I got to speak on stage about what I am most passionate about:

The power held in Your Intuitive Self and how to use this embodied technology to help you live your own version of success in a bigger way, with authenticity, integrity, and purpose.

This was a dream come true.

(Geek moment:I also met two of my long-time girl crushes in the online world: @Laura Belgray and Jaclyn Mellone. And they’re even more powerful, wise, and beautiful in person.)

My next step?

Inviting More awesome people

Into my world.

Cause it’s awesome.

You. Me. Us.

Community is why we are here.

Supporting and inspiring each other to be even more expressed and loving in our gifts.

There is no limit. Only more power and light to shine from you and me.

(Dm me to talk more about honing and using your intuition to get what your heart desires:)

Know this:

You are full of more magic than you know and have more potential to reveal every day -and- it takes a mirror of someone’s loving and curious presence to reflect it!

So here I am reflecting on it:)

Below are my key takeaways from Selena Soo and Ron Reich’s inevitable success mastermind:

1. Know and trust who you are and what you stand for, and learn to embody That.

2. Be true to what you want to create and express it into the world in everything you say and do.

3. Do less but better: value has many faces! Focus on the few things that make a difference and do them with even more heart.

4. Build and nurture a powerful and trusted community of people you can serve, see, support, trust and want to create a more beautiful world with you.

People are everything.

Your love for yourself and others is the only real strategy for authentic success that makes a life worth living.

My definition of success reveals itself more than ever before.

Because of the relationships I’ve built, the ongoing inner work no one sees, the constant upgrade to my mindset through my work with my coach and teachers, and the awesome work I get to create and put into the world and pour into my clients.

Oh … all the glamour is hot, but-Also… life is messy! So was last week’s epic experience.

I got Covid.

I got carried away and went over time in my presentation!

Oh well.

And it was all part of the higher plan:).

None of what you see is random or an overnight success.

I would not have it any other way.

Every day is full of new challenges and rebirths.

But this is the kind of success that feels true in my bones.

Consciously created and also… deeply mystical.

It’s my version of prosperity and peace.

What’s yours?

Let’s build your success on self-love, beautiful connections, and following your heart.

Here is to your next adventure, more “epic learning opportunities” and awesome people to love.

What’s your next step into a more authentic version of success?

I want you to know Anything you want is possible.

And it can get even more epic!

Let’s dance.