How to connect to your intuition in and find inner peace beyond meditation.


What is the peace of your heart worth to you?

How do you protect it?

(Watch the video below to get some guidance on how to have more peace in your life and protect your energy!)

“Sasha… do you meditate like 5 hours a day?!” 😂

Yes and no:) I’m a weirdo. I love nothing more than time with myself and in silence.

But you don’t need that to be at peace.

I want you to know how to Feel at peace when you’re not meditating.

When family and friends and work and life are Happening.

When you’re in a moment of self-doubt. When you’re scared. When you’re overwhelmed.

You can find that warm, loving, honest place that IS your heart’s peace.

It’s what happens in between your meditation that makes up your life.

To me, it’s Everything.

I’ve been asked this since I was very young, before I knew that “meditation” is a thing.

Cultivating peace in my body and life has been a tremendous factor in my success and health.

And this is what I watch my clients discover as they focus on the foundations of their self-love and their daily, Intuitive mindset upgrade.

So what’s the secret?
There are many, but this one is the most powerful:

Learning to embody, take action, and make choices from the Peace of Your Heart is a skill.
And you can learn it.

Only if you want to enjoy your life more - being who you really are.

So yes.
Now that I have a specific set of practices and a lot of training in different nervous system rewiring and mindfulness techniques, I do.

And yet it’s always been intuitive for me because I have learned early on that the one thing I need to know how to do- is tap into the peace in my body.

To experience Real Peace in My whole self is still daily work, and it’s worth it.

Regardless of the circumstances and environment- it’s the one thing in your control.

That was my way of coming through endless moving, abusive situations, and a lot of shame and fear- all of it became a divine school as I cultivated even stronger SelfFull loving muscles and committed more and more to things that brought me deeper into my truth- and the peace of my heart.

Harnessing the peace in your heart =
Anti-fragility, Confidence, Power, AND Vulnerability.

Connection and Compassion.
Self-Full Love.

All of it comes down to prosperity and success on your own terms.

I have learned to practice meditation and mindfulness in a very embodied and creative way- now created my own framework I call “Compassionate Sef-Revelation.”

To me, my ADHD, sensitivity, proneness to fiery outbursts, and hyper-creativity are now superpowers- this is how
I’ve honed and mastered my intuitive abilities.

So ready to make the peace of your heart a priority?
It’s what you have always wanted.

And it’s where I invite you to start and end your day.
Some days will be harder and some more effortless.

But overall, it will become easier with practice, I promise.

What you focus your energy on will

That’s my Invitation to you as your mindset coach, your partner, your friend, your loving faerie Yoda:)

Please watch the video below to see why you need to prioritize developing your capacity to Live in the peace of your heart, to feel fully Alive, and Thriving.

Let’s play.
How will you honor the peace of your heart today?