How to reclaim your worth.

"Your worth lies in your capacity to love who you are."

Hi Sasha,
Have we met?
My name is Sasha, and I have spent most of my life trying to sell my worth and bargaining value to the highest bidder.

I have never shared most of my story publicly until this year, but something calls me to do so now.

This is about reclaiming the truth of our soul's Origin.
Our archetypal Destiny.
Your unique sacred contracts and mine.
The archetypes that live in our bones.
Today I present to you: The Prostitute.
This one is big. All of us have it. It is one of the four survivable archetypes, and it feels big in the collective right now.
This one says: "You are not worthy. You have no unique value. You have no power. Your only bet is to sell yourself. So: Sell your soul, and you will survive in this world. Sell your worth, and you will be safe."

Is that true? No. But it sure feels like it sometimes.

Have you noticed how easy it is to be tempted to sell yourself?
In relationships. In jobs. In friendships. "Online."
So: Let's talk about how you and I play the prostitute.

I have been trying to sell myself since I was a little girl.

It was my way of getting a hit of power and a feeling of love and purpose in my life.

I started "selling" my value at age 8 when I moved to Israel and felt that I didn't belong and needed to "play a part to feel loved and safe; of course, it didn't work.

It was a survival skill.
It worked.
Except I lost myself. 

As long as someone found me pretty, talented, and sexy and needed my talent, m skills, or body, I would feel worthy.
But that was not ME.

Have you ever felt that way?

This runs deep.
This is about survival.

Family Karma. Ancestral healing.
Past soul contracts and lives you have lived where you had to sell yourself to survive.
Your childhood wounds.
So much to go into.
(If you want me to explain why we play into this "shame-based" shadow, reply and let me know!)

I will say this for now: Everything is RIGHT with you. You are whole.
I know how you feel.

That picture above?

That's me in the heyday of my acting life, trying to offer my face, body, voice, and soul for someone to buy and pay my keep, making me feel worthy, talented, accepted, and safe.

And, I went on.

For years, I pimped myself out in any situation I could, in intimacy with men, in my many careers, and odd jobs, well into my late 20s when I had my first dark night-of-the-ego awakening.

It felt "normal" and honestly even exciting, and empowering to my wounded ego to see how much I could hide behind the front of a sexy Russian model, spy, femme fatale, princess, sorceress, and of course, ..." prostitute." (Ironically, the picture below is from a Shakespeare play where I wore the tag "Whore," (although my character was anything that: a courageous woman whose "illegitimate pregnancy" results in her rejection from her community)almost like a symbol of how I have and would keep steering my life, career, relationships, power, talent, purpose, values and sexuality.)

During this time, I also witnessed and evoked some inappropriate attention and behaviour that belongs in the #MeToo storyline.

This pattern took a profound turn in my coaching career when I almost quit the industry because it felt like I was back in my show business days, selling myself to casting directors and producers.

It took me giving up my career a couple of times over to finally find the truth of who I was as a coach, as a healer, and what my worth felt like in my bones after I  took a sabbatical to go deep into a mystery school training and do the inner work I had been resisting for years. Watch more in the video below, or here:

Waking up to the Sacred Union within, Developing embodied self-love. Meeting your inner beloved. All of this came through when I started healing the shadow.

Have you ever sold yourself?
Have you felt you are selling your worth to the "highest bidder" because you are afraid to be alone, poor, rejected, or "useless?"

How do you sell your worth?

We all do it. The prostitute is one of our primary survival archetypes.
And she has many gifts if you choose to get radically honest and authentic with how she manifests and what she motivates you to betray.
How do you sell your power?

This pattern is deeply ingrained in our psyche.
And I am here to tell you that once you reclaim your shadow and start working with its gift- you will be called to a greater destiny than you can imagine.
But you must be brave.
It takes work, and it is worth it.
I am deeply grateful to finally sit with the shadow of the prostitute who has been with me my whole life.

I know she has served me well.
She is now the backbone of the story I am here to teach through.

Over the last 5 years, she has woken me up and brought me to a deeper healing, more faith, and devotion to my purpose than ever before, and to finally taking responsibility and using one of my greatest gifts:
The archetype of The Lover / The Sacred Beloved.

Right now, I am speaking to your soul about your own fear of not being "enough" and wanting to sell yourself short, hiding your value and light because you are scared of being hurt, rejected, ultimately punished, and "shamed" for how beautiful. radiant and powerful, you truly are.

You do have the power to transmute any shadow. That is why it is in you.

You came here to heal and remember how powerful you are.

The most challenging "test" for me was when I had insisted on negotiating my worth to find my way in the healing-coaching world, selling my value to the highest bidder, again and again, for years.
I was hiding my story. 
Refusing to take responsibility for my unique path and power. (Watch more of this story here or in the video below.)

I invite you to join me on the path of reclaiming your power deeper by exploring your "sacred contracts" and the archetypal roles you may unconsciously be playing.
Please watch the video below to go deeper and do the healing work needed to reclaim and EMBODY your true worth.
This is how you learn the symbolic structure of your life story and learn to stand in your power and never negotiate and sell it again.

Remember who you are.
Wake up to your truth.
Every part of you is sacred, and you are not alone.

Please let me know what comes up as you think about how you have been selling your value and what you need to do about it!

With love and devotion,
Your Sasha

P.S. Happy Beltane, my dear healer-leader. Ready to transcend your shadow and reveal the light you have been hiding?
Discover where you have been negotiating your value and sabotaging your purpose with a free clarity call with me here.