Let your Wild Woman Dance

Poetry, divine feminine, art

Let your Wild Woman Dance 


Where does your wild woman dance?

Where is her voice?

Let your soul’s laughter crack you up

In Rapture.

Let your hunger lead you home.

The wild woman dances, and she cries.

She slashes through your fears.

And your nagging, bleeding,


She won’t let you lie.

She has got you,

With fierce, honest love,

When you have lost your way.

Shaking you like a mama wolf will shake her pup.

” Wake up,” she speaks.

See her. 

Hear her howl at the moon,

Only she can see.

And follow her.

What are you holding on to?

That’s what is holding you.

The ghost of who you were,

Stripped of your wild woman’s truth.

Will you let her

Set you free?

Her voice,

Undulating with joy,

Charged with the power 

You are so scared to accept,

Let it be yours.

It is.


Let your wise, unbound, wild soul,

Show you who you are,

And what you are hungry for.

Ask your heart’s appetite

Show you what you need.

Let her gift come through.

Just this.

You get to choose.

It’s now.

Feed yourself the food you yearn for,

The only thing,

That can satisfy your insatiable hunger,

Your voice.

Your dance.

Your wild woman’s gift.

What could it be?

It’s just this:


Fully revealed to shine as yourself.

I want to see you.

I want to meet you in rapture,

Between the lines of your song.

In love with you,


Your hips are swaying to the music, 

Only you can hear.

What is your wild woman’s gift?

Only you will know.

She won’t wait.

Your soul is hungry now.

Feed her.

But don’t give her roadkill.

Let her hunt for the truth.

This is her sacred work.

Only you must say the word:


Not later, now.

Your body will tense up, 

it might feel crazy.

This is your own medicine,

Intoxicating you.

The wild woman dances in your bones,

She wants to show the world,

The power in your spine,

The depth of your gut,

The size of your heart,

Without any force, 

No need to hold a pose.

Just you, revealed, free, at peace,

And brave to sing your song.

She will do the work,

You let her come alive

In you,


Let her speak,

Purr with pleasure,

Just like that cat that gnaws at your earlobe,

And warms your heart.

Cry, dance, and sing,

In full.

She won’t let you hide your voice

No more.

You say the word, 

And she will come to give you

What you crave.

Your song, 

Sung fully,


Everlyn Mungai