How to create your own soul-rules for success: Celebrating my client Fabi Paolini.

Hello, my friend.
Today, I want to celebrate planting new seeds with a new moon.
And you.

Your power to create your life right now.
This comes from knowing Who you are and What you want- in your gut, heart, and spine.

What is your deepest desire right now?

That matters.
And how powerful that we get to do this together.

In one room. 

So, it is time to get into more rooms with awesome people, as one of my former coaches (now long-term collaborator and friend,) Ron Reich, would say. 

This advice alone has enabled me to create more success than most marketing tools I have used. 

People. Good people And great spaces to build relationships with them. That is all.

(Further down is an Invitation to come into one of my "inner circle rooms" and join my client Fabi Paolini's free Elevate event for healers and lightworker-leaders next week, where I will also be teaching: see more below or here.)

Creating something original and owning your leadership power can only happen with others.
It is all about connection and co-creation.

My world is now expanding with clients and coaches, elevating my work and commitment to my purpose beyond what I thought was possible. It is a wild and incredible ride.

So who is your soul- tribe?
You are mine.

And today, let me introduce you to another fantastic human you should know. 

Meet my powerful client, Fabi Paolini.

Fabi exemplifies what happens when an inspired, driven, loving woman takes consistent, aligned action while focusing on what matters to her most: her family, her health, and her desire to create and offer her unique work. She is living an honest, beautiful, and very human, relatable life. 

So who is she?
Fabi is a good human.

Fabi is devoted to her family. She is a mother of three little girls and a woman who embodies feminine flow, deep masculine structure, and focus in pursuing her desires.

She is also a 6-figure business coach who built her empire from scratch after she and her family had to leave a war-torn Venezuela.

(Oh, and trust me, behind the scenes, there are many challenges, inner work, intuitive mindset development, spiritual growth, and energy that goes into her success. She does the work. She embodies all of it. It is beautiful to witness.) I am inspired by her every day.

We first met at a Miami mastermind last year, and when she came to my "woo-woo table," amidst all of the business experts available, she told me she did not need more business advice; she wanted to go deeper into her intuitive heart and express her purpose.

Now, I get to see her heart being expressed in our sacred container every week, and let me tell you:
Fabi walks her talk, BIG time.

So, tomorrow and all of next week, you, too, can meet her live and experience her message and energy in her exclusive "Elevate" Event.

This is for you if you are in the online business space or are contemplating launching something of your own, and this is also a way for you to be in more "rooms" with like-minded people "doing the damn thing."

Elevate begins tomorrow, Monday the 22nd. 

Register here.

And as part of this event, I will also be teaching how to activate the power of your Embodied Intuitive Leadership.

So if you want to get my insights and guidance live, join us.

(Replays will be available, and I know it will be fun to meet in the intimate Facebook group where it will take place.)

I look forward to seeing you at Elevate for a week of learning, collaborating, networking, and expanding your capacity to receive, HOLD, create your community and work, and express your purpose.

Whatever your purpose looks like right now.

With love,
Your Sasha

Fabi was on my podcast in January, and her desire to serve and vulnerability are magnetic in this episode, "It will work, or it will work, she said about her vision:)." So I want you to think that way about THAT thing you're focused on that speaks from your heart- Trust and do the work.
Enjoy our entire conversation

Go deeper and reconnect to your Higher Purpose on a free clarity call with me 