How to know if your Kundalini Activated: Your Essence is Her Love

"How Alive is Your Heart in Your Life?"

Happy Eclipse Season. It is real.
My womb is on fire; so much is being released.
I am working with a new coach around the Taoist Art of Sexual healing, and it is shaking up my capacity to love myself.
I am excited to bring more of these tools to my work and share them with you.

Just this morning, I received a deep insight into my daily practice: "Please, Open, and Receive Your Love." 
You can never get enough of the truth.

One way I feel called to invite you to Give Yourself more grace and trust in your healing and Womb-Heart awakening journey is to recognize your Kundalini's presence and "aliveness" if that feels true for you.

Let's dive in.

Watch the video above or here to learn more, as I will be diving in and sharing more guidance and practices on working with this very powerful, sacred "Energy."

Is it sexual?

Yes. But it is not sexy,

It is about making love to Life and shedding layers of lies you tell yourself an dth world about who you are.

It is deeply erotic, sensual, embodied, and messy.

And it requires structure.



Holding a tight container for yourself an this process.

And trust.

She demands complete devotion to the healing journey, which is the main part of how your spiritual awakening unfolds and where it leads.

I want mine and yours to lead us to recognize and Be in communion with God.

I want our awakening to bring us peace and faith in the goodness of life.

I want our awakening to manifest as we offer this human life, the gifts of our healing, and bring more consciousness and embodied Love into the world as we learn to Live As Love.

That is why I am on this path.

That is my intention.

And you?

So, how do you know if working with Kundalini is part of your destiny path?

She- Kundalini, the Creative and Healing Power of the Divine Mother, IS the path.

Maybe you have heard about this part of the spiritual awakening process, or maybe not.

You may have heard about or even been working with Kundalini Energy for a while.
Maybe - unconsciously.

Maybe you have been overwhelmed, scared, and "leveled" by her power.
Maybe excited and inspired to learn more.
Maybe you're just becoming curious about what this energy is.
Maybe you have been studying and teaching Kundalini activation already.

This work is for you if you feel an intuitive pull to go deeper.

I have been studying what this energy is for the last 12 years and for the last two, more intentionally and intensively.

I have realized most of my journey and its challenges, emotional, psychological, physical, and sexual, have to do with Kundalini activation and not knowing what was happening at the time.
The more I learn and practice, the more every single challenge, crisis, and intuitive hit I have had - makes sense.
You are on the awakening path you are experiencing Kundalini.

Here I am, naked, stripped, and humbled by the activation of my own Kundalini.
Let's explore what this means for every goal and intention you have for your healing and self-love journey.
This is why we do this work.

So, what is Kundalini?
As I deepen into Tantra and Taoism with my coaches and teachers, I realize how much depth there is to this subject and how much of what you might hear or see on social media is scratching the surface. Furthermore, it can be misleading and altogether confusing when working with your awakening and healing experience.
I commit to staying true to what I feel is in integrity and most helpful to this process for myself, my clients, and my students.

How do you know it is being activated inside you?

This "energy" is beyond energy.
It is consciousness.
In Tantra, this energy is at the center of why we do spiritual practice.

Watch the video above to see if your Kundalini is being activated.
There are more signs; these are just the foundational signals that Your SOul is Awakening to YOU.

This is not about becoming more "sexual" or doing some spiritual acrobatics and "awakening Kundalini to do some superficial spiritual magic tricks, driving your ego.
This is about relating everything You are not.

I am doing this with you,

It's about really Letting Life Live You.
Remembering Your True Self. Tour with.
Your Self without your stories and traumas.

Your Self- with all of your parts, seen and held and integrated as holy elements of your instrument, to serve the Divine inside you.
Kundalini is inside you now.

Coiled at the base of your spine, according to lore.
She is waiting to show you the Truth when she feels you are ready for it.

Maybe your Kundalini has tried to rise.
Maybe She rose and came back down. Maybe she is just becoming activated.

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, if you are reading this and feel resonance with my work, your Kundalini has been activated one way or another.

Now, it is your responsibility to claim your power in working with her with structure and trust in the process of Your awakening to your purpose through Your waking up to Herself as You.

Yourself without Your identity.
Yourself without anything that cosntrics your awareness of the Divine.
This work is about saying Yes to God when God calls your name.
Like Yeshua called Mary Magadaleme.

When you find the Beloved inside your heart.
Kundalini is The One who Reveals that Love between you and God.

True Devotion to healing us- as a collective soul family by recognizing and embodying your unique divinity, the way She wants to express it through your specific energetic and physical body.

Working with the Dark Goddess is working with Kundalini. Devotional practice to honor God within you is working with Kundalini.
Understanding why your psycho-physiology is acting the way it is, means that when Kundalini is activated and becomes "awakened," it is your call to find your True Path to the Divine now.

It is the Holy Presence in everything. It is Her.

It is God moving inside our subtle bodies, and for some of us, especially if we feel called to do spiritual healing work, it is How we become fit to do it.

Now, you are on this path to Live Your Purpose.

More to come on this very important subject.

I feel that all of my work has led me here.

So here I am, and I invite you to come with me on a deeper journey to Live your Soul's Purpose, which is about You FInding God as You.

I love you,
Your Sasha