Find your magic in the unknown.

"Your soul is like The Moon: She is always Full. But she needs her Beloved, the Sun, to remind Her."

Hello, my Love.
Above is a healing meditation for you to enjoy today as you receive the potent energy of this Full Moon and eclipse in Libra.
This moment is about Letting go and creating space to see the truth of what has not been born yet. 

In your shadows and your light.

May the moon show you more of Your Wholeness.

Do you feel her energy?
I have felt like I am letting a big part of me die this whole week.

The part that "wants to feel that everything is figured out."
She is entitled and arrogant sometimes.
I am holding her.
And I love her.

She helps me reveal the truth of what I actually want:
Freedom to be me, in the truth of my heart.

I have no control. And I have the power to know what is true in my heart.
That is all I need.

What about you?

What shadow can you look at today, under the full moon, and ask what her gift for you is?


So today, Trust your heart even more.
Doubt the doubter.

Choose to Love all of your parts even harder.

See the beauty in yourself that you have been hiding.

What does that mean for you?

Here is a poem for you on this potent full moon - healing the part of you that needs to receive your heart's light.

Your Moon is always Full.

Become empty to be full of what has always been yours.

Be empty, like the Full, Pregnant Moon

The one who empties herself to feel

the presence of the one you seek, inside your flesh, now…


See her round belly filled with his light.

See her share the wisdom they create in their ecstasy.

Feel her rapture as he shines through her fullness.

Watch her ecstasy as she reflects,

That, which was always hers.


The light of life.

The fire of a breath that cannot wither.

The presence of the only thing

This moon and you can trust each other,

The truth of his Love for what he sees in you.

Your fullness,

Finally, coil revealed in your surrender to being empty of

Everything but You.

Read the whole poem here.


Today is not just a full moon but also a full moon Eclipse.

It is a time to trust the unknown and gently see what part of you needs to be released.
I am in the muck with you. 

It is the only way I can guide you.

Let's do the work.

I know you are on this path for a reason, and please know you are not alone.

Let your heart be full of knowing you are loved today.

The world is healing through your healing.


A question for you to contemplate today:

How are you holding on to a story about who you are that is no longer true?


Journal on this as you listen to this song.


Let me know what comes up as the answer, by replying to this email.

I will always respond to you personally.

May your day feel like a Blessing because You are.

I love you,
Your Sasha

P.S. Are you curious about working with me? Book your discovery call here.