Christ Consciousness Is Your Heart's Desire to Love

May you FEEL your Heart Grow with Love for Your True Self. That is Grace.

Hello, my love.
Merry Christmas.
Whatever you celebrate, May you Feel the Divine in your heart today.

(Scroll for free holiday offerings from me to you:)

May the North Star- Birth Star rise in your heart tomorrow and heal whatever part of you needs more love.

May you see your dream through God's eyes.

This season is all about You and Grace.

For me, this day is another reason to return to Christ Consciousness.
What is that?
For me, it is about our capacity to stretch our humanity and LOVE more.
To me, it is about God. God, as in the androgynous Awareness, Presence, and Unconditional Love and Devotion to what is in our collective highest Good.
Where we all Grow In Our Love for ourselves.
Jesus, the man, to me, is a symbol of how God is born inside our hearts.

I connect to that presence as the birth of my own divinity.
Just like Rumi, the Buddha, Mary, Mary Magdalene, prophets Mohammad and Abraham, Theresa of Avila, and John of the Cross. Ramakrishna.
And more.
Who are some of your most sacred prophets/spiritual guides/teachers?

Hit reply and share with me!
There are many more beings I might still need to learn about.

So, what I celebrate today and will honor on January 6th (Russian/Greek Orthodox Christmas) and by touching many more religious/spiritual traditions to which I can never do justice here, but I feel is essential to allude to (Diwali, Ramadan, Hanukkah- which I celebrate since I am part Jewish-, Kwanza...and more,) and today is another opportunity to celebrate our capacity for Love with each other, as God's Grace.

Christ Light—the love of God inside of me.

I believe that whatever is meant for you and me and another being to reconnect to that love -  is perfect for our soul's path and divinely arranged.

I will use every opportunity to celebrate and edify our mission here as beings of love and Children of God. That's it.

All beings are part of our cosmic family. Everyone is welcome. Everyone holds the Light of Christ Consciousness inside them, whatever they call it or however they identify it.

Universal Love.
We are One Family.

With or without Jesus, the man is a guide/conduit of the teachings that exist to bring some people closer to that experience.
And..also this is my experience for a reason. And yours is yours.

I invite you and I to honor our unique way of experiencing the divine and make it mean something from our hearts as we express to the world by Being the Embodiment that Grace is here, and God, whatever that means for our souls- is REAL.
So yes, I am here to speak of God.

The God that knows no religion, race, or gender.
The god that is Pure Love and Consciousness.
Because that is the truth of my heart.
That is my God.
That is what I know in my every cell to be true.

The Truth of our divine nature.

And you and I Get to claim it- embody it, and offer it as a Gift.
In everything we do.

For each other.
For the planet.
For our ancestors and the children, we are leaving this world to.
God to me is THAT which I cannot express in words. But I can KNOW inside my heart.

The Light of Consciousness that illumines your and mine humanity and helps us reveal the Sacred in ourselves and each other through that light.

That's it. And I could be wrong. And my heart tells me this is truth for me.
So, I will stand for that today.

May you and I feel that today even more.
You and I are more connected than you know.
How fortunate I am to know I get to share this with you.
We Get to Heal and Love together and For Each other.

The teaching of any master, spiritual teacher, or prophet, dead or alive, is always about finding God inside your heart.
So, let's keep it simple.
Your Light is Christ's light.
It is your birthright to reveal and embody it as your greatest power.

This is beyond archetypes, psychology, philosophy, religious beliefs, spiritual lineage, and mystical knowledge.
Everything above is focused on finding out the Ultimate truth of reality.
So what is it for you? Right now?
And can you feel it fully?
Can you see it clearly?

That is all that matters.
That is Grace.
So may you feel it inside your body right now.
Surrender to the Will of Your Own Divinity through you: it is always in Your Highest good.
Only you can know what that is.

The truth is this: Your experience of the God and Goddess in yourself is all that matters.
My work and purpose is to create a safe, inspired, healing space for you to experience This Sacred Union inside of you in a fresh, more honest way for your expansion.
Thank you for helping me do this work with you.

So, whatever your religious, spiritual, or cultural experience, I am celebrating this day with Your Heart's Truth.

Two healing invitations for you:

1. Join me for a free community mentorship call this Friday, the 29th of January, at 1 PM EST.
This is an opportunity for you to experience my guidance in a live session and receive support and reflection on where you are currently in your soul journey and life purpose. This is the perfect way to tie up lost energy loops before the end of the year and focus on what truly matters to Your Heart in 2024.
To join us live, respond to this email with "I want to come!" and I will send you the Zoom access link.

2. On January 1st, the following Monday, at 12 PM EST as part of the "7 Days of Rest" festival, I will be offering a live transmission to connect to the Divine Feminine and Masculine live on my YouTube channel, where I will also be available to answer your questions live, as I share the 3 Keys to Self-Love and Healing your heart.
Click here to register for more amazing offerings with the 7 Days of Rest Festival.
Get the link to the Live on my channel here.

Know that you are loved. So loved. I am here, and I am celebrating how far you have come. Bless you.

Merry Christmas, happy ALL of the things, 
You are here and whole now.

If you could share your most profound truth right now, what is it?

Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones.

Your Sasha

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