How to use your sexual energy to create what you want.


Mindset, life purpose, healing, abundance, sacred sexuality, self-love, shadow work, relationships, purpose

 “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”- Rumi

What if your capacity to embody your sexual power was the way of healing and deep love for yourself?

I was talking to one of my friends, and he mentioned to me how sad he feels that he can't talk about his sexuality openly because he feels judged or rejected.

I felt that way many times.
This hurts me too.
We live in a culture that is incredibly scared of talking and exploring our desires, pleasures, and creative impulses.
There are a lot of reasons for it.

What if your capacity to embody your sexual power was the way of healing and deep love for yourself?
This feels so sad to me.
Just know it is not your fault that you may have always felt disembodied or disconnected or even afraid of your sexual energy.

(Some call it Shakti, The Eros- force, it is also referred to as the Kundalini snake-like force of energy that lies dormant at the bottom of the spine- but this is a subject for another time!)
Just know this force- is LIFE force itself. And it is inside your body.
Ready to help you thrive?
If you choose to accept it and learn to work with it.
If you have felt disconnected from it- it is not your fault.

Most of us are afraid of it, feel guilty or weird even discussing it, have been confused about what sexuality and sexual energy actually are, and/or have associated it with pain, violence, sickness, and destruction.
And most of this is subconscious.
There are a lot of reasons why this happens, which is also a subject for another time, but briefly:

We live in a culture that is incredibly scared of talking and exploring our desires, pleasures, and creative impulses.
A culture that makes us feel ashamed to talk about what is sacred to us.
And I am DONE with it.

As a child, I felt it.
As a young woman, I felt it.
Now, in my 30s, I also feel it.
Now I work with it differently.
Now I allow myself to learn more about divinity and my soul's journey through my sexual awakening.
I see desire as soul guidance.

I see honest joy, creativity, and pleasure as a way to worship the power that created you and me.

I see my sensuality and the sexual awareness inside of my body as parts of an instrument I never learned how to play until I felt burnt out, alone, rejected, abused, shamed, guilty, and "bad."

The trick is you have to learn to play this instrument from WITHIN and from without.
Your power lies within your body.

Why do you hide from your power? Why do you feel disconnected from your sexual energy?
Why is it so "dirty" or "Wooowooowooo" to talk about it?
Those are questions I will answer in the future.

Just know it is not your fault that you may have always felt disembodied or disconnected or even afraid of your sexual energy.

Your full power is scary. It should be.
To the mind, To the ego. To the "tribal consciousness." we think is keeping us safe.
In reality, it keeps us from living in abundance, overflowing with our unique gifts and energy.

This is about love.
How deeply you are willing to know and love who you are.
All of you.
And then, if you are willing to gift another with that kind of love and be open enough to receive that love from another, fully naked and exposed as yourself.

In love with yourself, and letting another love you too.
There is so much love you are withholding because you are not giving it to yourself.

Your power and sexual energy allow you to connect with and reveal the essence of another being.
This really matters.
This sacred sexuality and tantric healing work are beyond mindset and "energy healing.
I know that when you start cultivating and working with your sacred sexual energy and connect it to your desire to express yourself and live your destiny and life purpose, you start experiencing Grace.

If I learned anything while doing my Masters in intersectional feminism, philosophy, and communication. In that case, we create structures of power everywhere, and it is up to YOU and me to choose what we believe to be true. It is simple. But not easy. 

This is how we can create a different culture for those that are coming after us.

And that matters.

So you reclaiming your sexual sovereignty, power, life purpose, and pleasure is not just about you, healing and learning to prosper, and falling in love with you.

It is about your kids; if you do not have any, it is about the kids you love.

Also, this work is about healing our ancestral traumas and the oppression suffered by our mothers (and sometimes fathers) and grandmothers and great-grandmothers… We get to be the cycle breakers. We get to create a new world where women and men are free to embody their sexuality and learn to love and serve each other by embodying it and learning to use it with confidence and integrity.

First, we need to become aware of what is not working.
Well, giving up our most essential power and believing it is wrong, shameful, or irrelevant is NOT working for me.
How is it working for you?

I say sex is sacred. I say the divine is in every part of your body. I say that God is inside your DNA.
I say that love is the quality of your intimate presence with yourself.
And that is also called sacred sexuality.
So, will you look deeper into the potential held inside your sexual power?

As a child, I felt separated and shamed for my sexual energy.
As a young woman, I felt judged, taken advantage of, or guilty for it.

Now, in my 30s, I also feel it.
Now I work with it differently.
Now I allow myself to learn more about divinity and my soul's journey through my sexual awakening.
I see desire as soul guidance.

I see honest joy, creativity, and pleasure as a way to worship the power that created you and me.

I see my sensuality and the sexual awareness inside of my body as parts of an instrument I never learned how to play until I felt burnt out, alone, rejected, abused, shamed, guilty, and "bad."

The trick is you have to learn to play this instrument from WITHIN and from without.
Your power lies within your body.

Why do you hide from your power? Why do you feel disconnected from your sexual energy?
Why is it so "dirty" or "Wooowooowooo" to talk about it?
Those are questions I will answer in the future.

Accepting and becoming accountable for Your full power is scary. It should be.
To the mind, To the ego. To the "tribal consciousness." we think is keeping us safe.
In reality, it keeps us from living in abundance, overflowing with our unique gifts and energy.

This is about love.
How deeply you are willing to know and love who you are.
All of you.
And then, if you are willing to gift another with that kind of love and be open enough to receive that love from another, fully naked and exposed as yourself.

In love with yourself, and letting another love you too.
There is so much love you are withholding because you are not giving it to yourself.

I spent years re-claiming my sexual power after a period of deep self-doubt and hurt following an abusive relationship.

It took a lot to forgive and move on.

it took a lot for me to release the grief and shame for the “good times” and how deeply they were rooted in lust and desire. But there was also love there. And that is what matters.

It took a lot of work to reconnect to my sexuality with reverence and devotion.

And I would not trade it for the world.

My intuitive gifts came online more than ever before as I was in the forgiveness and healing process.

My desire to serve others became clear, and I finally committed to following what was clearly my destiny, calling me into the energy and healing arts I call my professional soul work now.

Oh man,m my soul has a profession. I am funny:)

How did I get to a place where I feel so deeply connected with my sexual energy and empowered in using it?

It took some work.

And the work continues.

In my spiritual training and seeking, and amidst what was also my first "dark night of the ego," I took the time to be celibate and do some serious healing and transmutation of toxic energy, leading me to the actual work I am doing now.

To learn to make love to me in all of the ways I needed to.

Just know that everything has a reason. It will make sense:)

Your relationship to your sexual energy is obviously directly lined with your intimate relationships obviously, but also- to your health, your relationship to your body, to food, to movement, and to money, as well as your life purpose and how satisfied and on purpose, you feel in what you are doing, the meaning of your life, and how you are contributing to the world. 

So many reasons beyond our control contribute to how safe we feel about exploring this powerful, healing, mystical energy that is actually right here, inside your body right now. You are sitting in it.
I ask you to wake up to it and let it awaken inside you too.

And we have thousands of years of human conditioning around the belief that sexuality is dirty, evil, and dark.

We see this today.
The wounds of patriarchy and oppression of the wild, magical, free, wise, and mystical arts, as well as feminine mysteries and the feminine in general, have led us to now either conform,m and suffer, or rebel.

It is much easier to control people who willingly refuse and give away their sovereignty, the power source, and their unique gifts to "stay in the tribe ." Even if the tribe is toxic, abusive, controlling, and judging us for being who we are.

Childhood and inherited family trauma, negative sexual experiences, body shaming, toxic masculinity, and femininity, lack of good role models, support and guidance from parental figures, abuse, neglect...the list goes on and on.
And you do not need to be stuck in those stories anymore unless you want to be.
I hope, and I am guessing you don't:)!

It's time to break the cycle of self-abuse, self-neglect, and hiding from your power and potential.

It is time we do something about it.
Your bones know it.
And your body KNOWS how to do it, but it needs your heart's guidance and your mind's support.

And actually move forward while transmuting the past and all of the dark, negative, toxic beliefs and traumas held in our bodies into light, living power, and creative potential.

I know and believe that is the only way, and that is exactly WHY we chose to come to this world.
Suppose you want to become the love warrior and leader you know in your gut you are meant to be (in your work and personal life) and really inspire, guide, and support others, which I know you do.

In that case, you must start contemplating and embracing reconnecting with your sexuality as a sacred tool for your healing and for you to activate and use your optimal potential to do what your destiny calls you to.
What is on offer?
Launch a business? Check
Write a book? Check.
Keep developing and growing a healthy business or company. Check.
Have a child and create a healthy family environment? Check.
Attract a soul mate and build a harmonious intimate relationship with them? Check.
Heal and reconnect with your current partner, and help evoke their healthy sexual energy while you work on yours. Check.
Create more money in your life, and clear the blocks and fears around receiving and holding the prosperity, wealth, and abundance you deeply want. Check.

How does that sound?
And it works. But you gotta do the work.
So don’t take my word for it- you must experience this transformation yourself. the video below for a simple practice you can use today to reconnect to your sexual energy and watch out for more pieces of training from me to guide you deeper.

I will go deeper into helping you and my clients reconnect and heal your relationship with your sexual energy.

This is sacred, embodied intimacy with yourself.

This is shadow work, and this is re-parenting and becoming your own most devoted lover and partner.

As men and women have been sharing their fear, shame, and rejection of their power, I have been driven to start creating more content to help you start to feel safe, confident, and empowered to explore the potential held inside of your body, unleashing your sexual power, and learning how to manage it, how to hold it, how to use it to attract what is in your highest good, and how to fuel your life goals and purpose with it daily.

Over the last few years, in my professional work, as I brought in more tantric teachings, yoga, nervous system rewiring, archetypal psychology, and embodied shadow work into my coaching, I have realized more and more that your creative, healing power really does rest inside your lower body- in the first three chakras. It can either be abundant or blocked. 
So, this Valentine's Day- make love to yourself.

Explore the sexual power inside you as the source of our healing and your magnetism to attract what is in your highest good.

Okay, so we are disconnected from our sacred sexuality and its power:
What now?

Are you down?

Let's make it conscious and reclaim your birthright to thrive and embody your creative potential, pleasure, and power, one step at a time.
Let's have fun with it:

This week I intuitively created a video to express your desire to reclaim more of your power.

This sexual transmutation work will guide you to feel more trust and confidence in yourself, train and use your intuitive gifts, and finally figure out what you are here to do.
I'm sharing it below as my Valentine's day gift to you.

I am speaking to You.
Do you want to learn to love and nurture yourself like you wish your lover would?

Isn't that all you ever wanted? 

To love and be loved for who you really are while revealing your higher purpose through the things you do OUT OF LOVE.

I know I do.

Learn how to start creating a safe container for yourself to reclaim and use this force, this sacred tool, to create a life that aligns with the truth of your heart and the desire inside of your gut!

How is your sexual energy?

Do you want to develop your relationship with it?

Hit reply and let me know what content I can create to help you create what you want in your life right now!
Your Sasha

P.S. Do you want to reclaim and reveal how powerful you are? Book your free clarity call with me here

Sashas thoughtsThe Coast Kit