How to surrender to your intuition and unleash your fullest potential- my story.


Life purpose, healing, abundance, life coaching, Law of Attraction

Hello, dear one.

What happens when you realize that your path no longer fulfils you?

I will never forget the first time I felt the pang of “This is not where I am supposed to stay.”

As I often do, more and more as I do my intuitive work, I heard a clear voice saying:

“You are done here. Let it go. This is not yours.”

I remember this moment, one of many that determined my destiny.

As I write this, I am smiling so wide.

The acting was my life.

My life for 20 years.

It was everything I wanted when I first answered the question, “ And what do you want to be when you grow up, Sasha?

“I want to be an actress.”

Here I am, seeing my old dreams - in a TV show called “The Bold Type.”

It is a really fun show and was filmed in my old hometown of Montreal.

Watching my former classmates from theatre school in Montreal, girls from acting class, and audition rooms in Vancouver.

Here are my dreams on screen.

Lived by someone else.

Someone I knew then, someone I still know and call a friend.

“Dreams” I got to live briefly before I realized they were not mine.

Have you felt that way?

I call it the desperate night of the ego mind.

And the dawn of a higher potential blossoming through the darkness.

That day, on the film set, I chose to say yes to the unknown- as I heard “You are done here” from my Heart.

It was devastating, scary, and so RELIEVING.

I heard the call of a different, deeper knowing.

A knowing that I was ready to reveal.

I see the many moments I suffered because I was so attached to that dream. It was hard.


I had to die.

Do you know that feeling?

It is the beginning of rebirth.

It is the chapter in your heroine’s journey when you get to enter the cave with the holy grail.

And it can take years.

It’s okay.

The gift is in the process of discovering YOUR truth.

Who you are.

Falling in love with the truth of your potential and saying Yes to your unique risk, as Dr. Mac Gafni puts it: Your Destiny.

I know it is not easy.

But it is worth EVERYTHING.

I had to give it all up and let it all go- and I stayed searching and empty for a while.

I had to learn to trust my intuitive wisdom even more, To pray.

It was worth it.

It is worth it every day. Let’s raise the stakes for you and me.

I will never forget standing on set, dressed up, in my first significant film role, playing “The Russian Model.”

The irony of it was palatable.

I finally got what I THOUGHT I wanted so badly.

And immediately realized how disappointed I felt, how misplaced. This was not IT.

My whole life, I wanted to fit in, to have a way of “fitting the part.”

Being of Colombian, Russian, and Jewish heritage, I never really did, nor did I fit any part that was

There I was. Finally, “Russian-looking enough” and apparently, “model material.”

My ego was having a field day. Oh, how funny our little minds are:)

And my heart was sad.

I knew I was about to lose it all. And more.

My heart was clear: “This is not for you anymore. This brought you here. Now. Get ready.

You have no idea what the universe has in store - and you must trust that you do not need to know yet.

But you have to choose the truth if you really want to reveal that greater purpose.”

So, here I am.

Telling you- TRUST your heart.

Do everything you and learn to hear its voice.

Be brave to follow its guidance.

Learn to discern it from your ego.

It is worth everything- and you will absolutely receive what is in your highest good and what you truly desire- it cannot be any other way.

If you need support in doing this work and revealing your destiny- I am here for you.

Just book a call here, and we can go into your psyche and higher truth together, with me as your expert guide helping you move through it, creating a life you are meant to love, thrive in, and be proud of.

A professional actress on set. Waitress by night, an actress by day. In the industry, we call it: “Wacktress:).”

This was my life for 20 years. In and out of the 10 years of my higher education, the many certifications, and additional work explorations, I was on the path to doing what I thought was my destiny as a great movie and theatre performer.

This was not my destiny; I knew I had to change course and create a new path.

It was challenging, and it was healing.

I can only laugh at how genius this “carrot on the stick” was to bring me into the deep training around psychology, intuitive development, performance art, public speaking, teaching, space holding, mystical training in energy work, and much embodiment, mindset, and spiritual development work.

All of these created the foundation for how I now create my coaching containers, as individual mystery schools and inner transformation experiences for my client’s unique hero/heroine’s journeys.

It blows my mind how my whole life, I was always in-training for a career I had no idea existed until it called me.

Intuitive Mindset coach. Energy Healer. Space holder. Tantric embodiment practitioner.

Content creator.

Youtube and podcast host.

All I can say is THANK YOU.

Thank you, Higher Guidance, for leading me here.

And all the while teaching me to surrender, to detach myself from expectations, projections, and even dreams that suddenly feel old and stale.

Thank you for teaching me to make room and space for witnessing the mystery of my calling reveal itself. For witnessing the miracle of my life. And now, knowing how to help you reveal yours.

I have to pinch myself.

How did I get here?

Well, Grace brought me here.

And it was not easy.

I kicked and screamed; I cried. I doubted; I was terrified and felt alone and useless and ridiculous.

I felt crazy.

And also- I KNEW I was on the right path, and I trusted.

I knew that listening to my heart was the only thing I needed to do.

I still cry and worry, scream, and doubt.

I am still afraid.

Every single day.

My shadows are here, and there are more to be worked with.

To be revealed and integrated

That’s what I am here, on this heart for.

And so are you.

Life is not always fair.

I do not believe it is supposed to be.

It is up to you and I to see it as a great soul mystery school.

I am here to choose to see miracles and to be the expression of grace right now.

I fail often. I fail hard.

I will keep failing. Forward into my destiny.

Will you join me?

And that is the path to surrender to your purpose.

Know you are led to something better every day.

If I had not failed, resited, and chosen to let go of a life I knew and planned for, I would not know THIS life.

And I still do not know.

There is so much more.

I only know that something DOES know.

And you and I have access to that Something all of the time.

It wants to speak to you.

It does.

Our job is to learn to hear and follow its guidance.

That is what I wish for you.

So as you reflect on your life, ask: how do I feel my destiny is calling me right now?

Know that every part of your life is deeply in service to you, actualizing your purpose and revealing WHO you are and WHY you are here.

I know this.


Except I did not know what it was or what its potential held. What it would become.

You can never know the fullness of your destiny- because it has not been created yet.

You GET to be the one who does.

What do you say?

Right now- may you absorb the power of this full moon and face the truth in your heart.

May you allow yourself to embody and take responsibility for your true power.

May you reveal more of who you are.

Bless you!

Your Sasha

P.S. Tune into my most recent interview on Tonya Dee’s podcast for “ Season of the Witches,” where I speak about answering and trusting the call of your soul-your destiny and my journey as a modern-day sorceress!

Enjoy it here.