Open the portal of your outrageous self-love, and confidently move into your destiny. Merry Christmas!


Life purpose, mindset, self-love, spiritual awakening

Here is to an ecstatic, erotic, devoted, weird dance with yourself- with your pants on fire for how awesome you are!

Hello, my friend!
This is a mystical time.

Whatever you believe, you know there is a powerful energy in the world.

I hope you are safe and warm right now.

I am praying for you to feel held and seen and loved right now, at this moment.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Kwanza…Sacred Solstice and new moon
This season is an invitation to go deeper into the mystery of YOU.

To fall in love with more of who you are by figuring out who that is!

In the spirit of keeping it radically, outrageously loving, and REAL:

I am sitting here, sweating through my ski pants, in a grocery store food court, on a snowy Canadian highway, on Christmas day, and thinking of how incredible it is that you and I exist in this world- right now.

So, my divine lover, my sacred creator, my love warrior, my priest/ priestess, my purposeful, empathic leader, I want you to know that I love who you are.

Who are you?

What is true right now?

It feels like something is about to "happen," to blow through you, to crack open the pressure cooker you have been in for a while.
Are you ready?
How can you make love to yourself through all of the chaos?

The magic in the profane.
The liberating truth of what you must choose- that finally emerges in the depth of your darkest fears.
Let's go there.
I will meet you in the dark.

Let's reveal what it's hiding.

Let’s talk about love for our purpose together.

This is normal. We are in the middle of complete energetic, collective chaos.

It is real, and you know it.
It guides your destiny and mine to create something that has never been.

You are being asked to listen even deeper to your intuitive wisdom and learn to DISCERN the truth from the illusions that may have guided you for many years.

To surrender your plans for a little bit.

To be in the void and to prepare to step into the ring and get your hands messy with mud.

It's time for you to reveal more of your true power to the people and the life you have built.
This might mean destroying what does not serve and rebuilding it.

You can, and you will. Help will come, and grace is with you.

Your destiny might call your name more urgently.
Have you seen more synchronicities?
Have you felt sudden memories resurface, asking you to revisit your past and clean up your energy field to prepare for something that feels pretty big in your body?

Maybe you have had obscure or strange dreams?  Urges to change things and fateful meetings?

Have you had a moment to contemplate what you are being guided to take action on?

Honoring the miracles in the ordinary. Listening. Pausing and asking for guidance. Listening with your whole body.

Learning what it means.

And going closer to what is most important to your heart now.

I invite you to allow this time to be a space between worlds.

Contemplate the energy of death, rebirth, and rising up into the new year.

This is the first Christmas I spent with my mom and stepdad in 3 years, and it feels right to go into some shadow work of "family/ancestral dark stuff" while also feeling how lucky and grateful I am to have my parents and their loving support and presence. 

I am also still mourning the passing of my dad.

I am reminded of how lonely and desperately hungry (on all levels: sexually, professionally, emotionally, creatively, and physically) I felt here when I was a teen.

That passed as everything does. And how grateful I am for all of it.

Here I stand outrageously in love with myself.

I lived in many dramas as a young girl trying to find herself through the stories of "not being enough while being too much."
Does that sound familiar?

I am facing some familiar demons- this time, with the strength my work and practice have gifted me, clearly preparing me for the next stage in my life.

I can feel the presence of my guides more than ever before.
I am going deeper into my own devotion and prayer practice.
The work never stops. And it is BLISS.

Because it feels like freedom, confidence, and grace.

So many gifts in the shadows. So many patterns to heal and transmute ancestral and genetic, karmic patterns.

So how about you?
Nothing is forever- so I am asking you to celebrate what you love in yourself with a bigger devotion to expressing it.

Claim next year as a year of outrageous self-love right now.

How can you reclaim your "self-love hero's journey"- and make it embodied, committed, and deeply intimate with the most powerful part of you?

What makes you feel like you are outrageously in love with yourself?

The concept of outrageous self-love is something I have been contemplating
for a while by following the teachings and insights of Dr. Rabbi Marc Gafni and his work, such as “Return to Eros.”

So dare to love yourself, Self-Fully, and outrageously.

Right now.

As you contemplate this, I invite you to feel it, by doing the following practice:
(3-5 minutes is all it takes, so you have the time!)

Put on some nice music, and get still for a few minutes.
Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Now, close your eyes for 15 seconds, and look at yourself from above, as if you are looking, touching, and seeing yourself from the third person- as someone who wants you to feel just how much they love you- and want you and need you.

As you do, breathe in and out deeply through your nose, 6 times.

That is me- looking through you. I love you; I want to see and taste all of you, the real you, your full truth.

Now, go look into a mirror and the blacks of your eyes:

How can you see yourself like I imagine looking into your eyes right now?

As you truly are, with desire, devotion, trust, unconditional acceptance, and love for YOU?
Journal about how you feel when you do.

Write yourself an outrageous love letter.

And this is my love note to you.

Will you receive this?
It does not need to feel epic, easy, or comfortable - just true.
This is true.
Your whole being to me is sacred. 

Receive my feeling of appreciation and reverence for YOU.

As your secret admirer, I am here looking and listening to your deepest truth.

Your darkest desires.
Your most urgent, highest calling to live your destiny.

I invite YOU to see how much of a badass goddess/god, powerful being you are- through my eyes.

I am sitting here, literally, sweating my fire through my clothes, with my pants down (ski pants, that is- I got leggings on cause I am a classy lady:)

The divine loves to laugh:)
Cause, right now, the urge to share with you how much you matter is more joyous and pleasurable than anything else.

I ask you to trust your joy, your soul desire, your true pleasure (not ego, not superficial numbing of your yearning, not your addictions- but simply that which gives you the experience e of being on fire- expressing your deepest truth.

What is it- DO IT.
Do more of it this week.
Do it this evening.

You are the sexiest, most powerful, wise, kind, loving, powerful, and unique weirdo- and the world needs all of you to be expressed.

Your fullest expression it is happening right now; it is gorgeous. It is wild; it is free.

Now your turn. Who do you see in your mirror?

Your Sasha

Sashas thoughtsThe Coast Kit