Lisa Perrotta Hall (FL, USA.)


“I was at a breaking point, and then… Not only did my relationships transform, but it went way outside that realm and my transformation became noticeable to my core family. The most amazing thing is my spirituality, my relationship with the divine transformed- that blew my mind, the guidance that I received. All the things that Sasha gave me in a very short period of time, I would say less than six months, and also the container that Sasha created was the most beautiful, and I had full trust. There was zero judgment. There was accountability, and all of these things combined helped me to transform and realize that all of these things that were going on came back to one common denominator- myself and that the power was within me to make those changes. I never really, truly knew how that could be done until we did our work together. And I also want to say that the relationship that I now have with my husband of 27 years has never been better. And as I said, where I was, to where I am now, it actually blows both of our minds that this is possible!”

- Lisa Perrotta Hall- Sales Professional, mother, wife (FL, USA)