Gene Tresenfeld (OR, USA.)

It's my pleasure to have Sasha as my intuitive coach and to wholeheartedly recommend her. Over the years, I've engaged a number of skilled coaches. None of them ever came close to having as much impact as Sasha. I used to think it must be frustrating for people to have me as a client. Although I was the one seeking help, nonetheless I can be resistant.

I heard a client of Sasha's raving about her for a while. My first exposure to her was in a group mindset call. I was fascinated by how it took only a few minutes for everyone to be enthralled by her and to be willing to be vulnerable in ways they had never been.

With Sasha, I do not feel commanded by or put on the spot. I am not recalcitrant with her, rather I eagerly want her input. I'm relaxed, shifts take place quite easily and we have fun. I experience her as, 'I see you as so much more than ____. May I help you clearly see yourself in how I recognize you.'

Her intuition is not only very accurate, but is also from a broader perspective, which enables her to bring to light things which might otherwise have remained hidden. Her personalized meditations are guided from beyond.

Sessions are not just highly helpful, they're also fun.

-Gene Tresenfeld, Intuitive Life Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Guide, Ashland, USA.

Sasha Lipskaia