All there is, is You.

Poetry, intimacy, divine feminine, sacred sexuality, self-healing

And what if all there was,



Was the one who know nothing but her own love?

What if she needs nothing?

What if she knows only your grace?

Find that one.

Find that one inside the empty space within yourself.

Empty the story of your suffering of all that smells of fear.

See the miracle that gets to sprout

The flower of your union with the One

The one who watches over you,

The one that sees you,

Feeling yourself through his arms.

Beckoning you to

Return to the place of knowing there is nothing

But this.

This space you perceive 

From the gnosis of your true love.

There you are.

Waiting to be filled with your own joy.

You are waiting for your grace.

You are hungry for your peace.

In your surrender,

To being.



With me.

Join me as nothing but that which

Knows her loving

All of what she is.

Rest in that space of love

From which,

You can hear the call to open the flower

Of your union with the One

Who claimed your heart,

The one for whom,

You chose

To give up all of what you are not.

Everlyn Mungai