Taste Yourself through the mouth of your beloved.

Poetry, divine feminine, intimacy, mysticism, sacred sexuality, womb awakening

What will it feel like,

To surrender to the urge to taste yourself?

To have yourself be tasted by the one that yearns for your truth,

As much as You?

Bite into your deliciousness.


Be wary of a fantasy

That feels like a dream.

Let it not enslave your mind,

And blind you, 

To the mystery of a story 

Imagined for you- by the Divine.

It happens in real time.

The Now, that lingers forever on the lips of the one 

Who brought you here?

The one who wants to taste you deeper still.

The one who is leading you back to the joy of knowing yourself.

Your story

Of ripening

Into the fruit of your union,

Is what

This world is hungry for.

Let it be told.

Let it be known. 

The witness is being Tasted. 

It cannot be planned.

No one knows its name.


Your Soul and it’s Beloved.

So ask for it to be sung out loud.

For the first time,

Hear it sung into your soul.

This fruit of your union,

Your taste on the tongue of Your Beloved,

What does it feel like?

Bite into it, imbibe it’s nectar.

Get sober with your fruit’s pureness.

It’s sorrow, grief, and death.

Its ripe rebirth and its effortless joy in birthing Itself inside of you.

Now you know its true name.


Ripe with passion.

Ready to merge in the mouth of

The one you love.

It cannot be held on to.

it cannot be held back.

It can only be tasted.

Felt in its freedom.

Experienced, shared, and released.

How good can it be?

Taste it for yourself,

I might disappoint you

With anything but,

The succulent fullness of your taste.

Here you stand,

The taste of grace,

Washing out,

The bitterness of your fear.

Nothing is left in the back of your mind.

Only pure desire

To be tasted 

In your ripeness.

How sweet it is to feel you here.

To taste your magnificence.

Through the mouth of your one Beloved.

That is always kneeling to taste more of your soul’s longing to be met. 

To come back into your arms.

To fall, to rise, and to breathe.

Fully sovereign, never alone.

Tasting yourself being tasted,

Filling your soul

With his presence,

Trusting the fruit of 

your union sprout.

How does it taste?


Wait for it

To drop into

Your heart’s hands when it’s time.

Now, offer your juice 

To the one ready to drink it all.

Let all of you be tasted.


Everlyn Mungai