The Sacred Self-Leadership 1:1 Mystery School

An intimate 1:1 spiritual and tantric immersion in a 12-month, sacred container for the leader ready to go deep into their soul's truth, power, and purpose in service to God.

ONE YEAR of high-level support through intuitive mentorship and a custom-made mindset, embodiment, and spiritual guidance program.

Outcome: Clarity on your purpose, embodying your true self, intuitive development, sacred sexuality and intimacy, and spiritual expansion.

This is for you if:

You are ready to go deep into your divine purpose and commit to transforming what is holding you back.

Fall in love with who you are so that you can create a fulfilling and prosperous life on your terms.

You will:

- Learn how to hear and lead with your intuitive desires, vision, and life mission.

- Break the cycles of abuse and wounding in your family lines.

- Clarify and follow your divine purpose.

- Create and nurture a sacred, intimate union with your current or future partner.

- Heal your feminine and masculine energies.

- Connect to the Divine Feminine and Masculine in yourself and others.

- Feel and Trust your experience of Self-Love

= Reclaim your sexuality, desires, and authentic expression of your kinks and darkness.

- Master your leadership archetypes and their shadows.

- Understand and integrate your shadow patterns and reveal their gifts.

- Reconnect to your body as a sacred instrument and vessel for healing and creation.

- Make a challenging life transition with trust and faith.

- Launch your soul’s mission.

Explore sacred union and love in your intimate partnership.

This 12-month intuitive coaching container and mentorship will be like nothing you have ever experienced.

It will challenge and push you.

It will rebirth you.

It will show you who you are meant to be.

It will transform your life if you submit to the work.


This exclusive, year-long, intimate experience includes:

- Weekly deep sessions (3 per month, with one week of integration,) over 12 months (36 sessions)

- 12 months of daily (during working hours) voice/text support via WhatsApp (48 weeks.)

- Access to exclusive mediations and embodiment practices.

Your Investment: $25,000 USD

Payment plans are available.

Currently full. By application only.

For more information and to join the waitlist, email me here to see if you are a good fit for the program, or book a clarity call below.