Are you sabotaging your success?


Life purpose, life coaching, healing, Law of Attraction, abundance, mindset, relationships

Are you feeling the shift?

I know I am, and so are many of my clients.

Things are MOVING!

The equinox, the new astrological year, and spring life energy have brought intense transformation.
And it comes with a price.

Something must be released to make room for what is coming your way.

And what is coming is Powerful (astrologically and energetically, we are entering a powerful creative vortex.)
Are you ready for it?

What needs to be released?

Things are falling apart, and yet I know you can feel the momentum in your life picking up.

The tip of the iceberg of your life-calling is emerging with more clarity than before.

You feel the buzz of your destiny.
Could you hear it and answer it correctly?

Here is the most critical question to sit with right now to make sure you say Yes to your Power and understand your destiny's call:

What Truth are you not willing to see and deal with?

Be honest.

Have you had a moment this week, maybe even today, where you could have made a true, bold, empowered, and challenging choice but didn't?

You heard that little voice that screeched, "what if...I feel more powerful, and then I am punished, abandoned, judged, rejected for it?" 

You are not alone in this,
This is a good sign.

Your ego is scared of you firing it from its job!

And the Saboteur's voice is here to help you say Yes to the Truth.

It is a gift.

When you see it for what it is, and use it!

I want to invite you to contemplate as you see and choose to stand up to your Saboteur:

"Yes, I am scared of my Power.
I am afraid of saying yes to the unknown.
I am terrified of failing.
And I choose to grow through it all and claim the choice that helps me reveal and experience more of my Soul-Esteem- and use my Power to empower myself and others.
Watch Me."

You are not alone. This is normal

I, like you, also often sabotage myself because I am terrified of becoming more empowered, prosperous, accessible, and responsible for my happiness.

The Saboteur in me and you want control over how much Power I get to have.
It has ideas and beliefs about my worth and what it requires.
And none of it is true.

But it does require severe discernment and soul-work to face the Saboteur and integrate its shadow to step into the Magician, the Sorceress, the Sage who KNOWS your Power and what you are worth.

Next week, I will share a story about how I sabotaged my career and prosperity in what I love most...and how it cost me five years of fighting the shadow to start reclaiming my Power.

The result? I am embodying it.

And the work is never done:)
My Saboteur and I had a real face-off for the last two years.
It has been intense.

Want to hear how I came out on the other side and recently had the best month in m business and personal life yet?

Hit reply and tell me you want to hear more about my story:)!

(I almost quit my business and became a traveling beach-town yoga teacher. True story.)

So I feel you. In many ways, I have BEEN you.

It is a tough place to be when you realize that you have been unconsciously sabotaging yourself...for years.

But when you dare say yes to the Truth, you know you have just stepped into the vortex of freedom.

When you choose to trust your heart and do the work to figure out how powerful you are and what it requires of you so that you use your potential to do something that makes your life meaningful, joyous, and purposeful

I am no different.
I have not been frank with myself over the past year.
Do you know what I want?
I want to celebrate you and me.
This is not easy.
We have come so far.
You are human.

Your inner Wizard knows the Truth.

You came here to choose to see the Truth of who you are and what you want to create with your one life.
That's it.
And your Saboteur is the shadow you get to stand up to.

The darkness you get to win over once you trust your gut and become brave.
The Truth is Light.
It is Freedom.
It is simple.

Will you choose to see your Truth?

Here is a simple practice to get you started:

Take 5 minutes to do this now. (Yes, you have 5 minutes:)

  • Close your eyes. 

  • Take three deep breaths.

  • Get curious about how you feel.

  • Imagine yourself moving into your heart,

  • Breathe.

  • Breathe more with compassion.

  • Bring your hands to your body, and hold the part of your body that feels tense or constricted; soothe yourself.

  • Ask:

  1. What is the Truth you do not want to see?

  2. How can it set you free?

  3. What do you need to do to answer its' call?

  • Stay with what comes up.

  • Then when you're ready, open your eyes, and write down what you felt and whatever answers/guidance you received.

Please let me know if you do this and if you feel more clear and confident about what you need to do to cultivate more esteem and honor the Truth calling you to step up to a new level of Power.

That is where your purpose lies:In the Truth of Your Heart.

This is the work.
And remember, you cannot do this wrong.

Grace is always with you when you choose to empower yourself.

I know your Power, Sasha.
Hit reply and let me know what Truth you are finally sitting with and what it offers you!

I have got you.
Your Sasha