Hanna Look Gauer (California, USA.)


“I’ve been an entrepreneur for several years now and was doing it often on the side with another full-time job, and before working with her, I was just feeling really, really stuck, and couldn’t even figure out exactly what was keeping me so stuck.

 I have done a lot of different online courses, and business programs, more than I’d like to admit, and I thought I had a lot of business knowledge, but yet I was still really struggling to find clients consistently and bring consistent income, and I was actually really close to just giving up on my business completely!

And so, starting to work with Sasha totally changed things around, and within just the first couple of months of working together, I started having massive AHA moment, after AHA moments and was able to uncover some really major mental blocks that have been keeping me stuck, and I don’t think I would’ve been able to figure this out, had it not been for Sasha’s help and support.

I have been able to raise my prices, and  I’ve gotten several new clients, I am now actually working with the most clients I ever have at one time, and bringing in the most consistent income that I ever have, and I think most importantly... I just feel so much more confident in my business and the value that I bring as a coach, and also even in my role as a CEO of my business which I was really struggling with before.”

- Hanna Look Gauer- Health Coach, Entrepreneur (California, USA.)