I Am in Awe of your beauty. Are You?


self-love, life purpose, mindset

Hello, Beautiful Friend!

What are you in awe of today? 

How can you let life show you something to celebrate or learn from today?

A beautiful quote from a spiritual teacher I love goes like this: 

"Life takes care of Life. Let God be your secretary." 

What experience can you allow into your Life today, and FEEL in awe of?

Yesterday, I went for a walk with a friend. 

I got to experience being in awe of the power of human connection, of the energy flowing between people when they receive each other with no expectation, strategy, or rules. Play.

Serendipity in thoughts.

Insights into our own greatness, by seeing it reflected in another being’s energy. 

Journal on this: What are you in awe of today?

Pay attention to, and note:

  • The physiological effect of your own smile: try it now!

  • A new sound you feel your body moved by.

  • A smell that reminds you of someone you love.

  • An idea that hits you with inspiration to create something.

  • Your face, looking a little different in the mirror today.

The good stuff. 

Life. The good stuff. Don’t have anything?

Great. Go, create it.

Only you can.

Then all you can do is show up.

To be present with what is.

To remain kind to yourself, and to respond truthfully to what is asked of you. 

You, expressing, and witnessing the Life in everything around you.

I am in awe of you and the awe-filled Life you choose to conceive today. 

Here is to being present with every instant of this Life, and letting it take care of itself. It knows what it's doing.

To your story of living as the ONE that you are in awe of every day.

Your coach and friend,


P.S. Are you ready to feel worthy?

Download my free  Self-Love meditations at sashalipskaia.com/getclear  and become confident and clear on what you desire+deserve!

Join the BEING BRAVE TRIBE https://www.facebook.com/groups/beingbravewithsasha

#confidence #loveyourself #mindsetofsuccess #worthiness #women empowerment #healingtrauma